February 1, 2015

Universe Recap

It was a successful four years of Universe. I loved the storyline I did on WCW with Edge and the nWo, bringing in Hulk Hogan and turning Edge face. NXT saw a lot of great matches with younger talent. There were a lot of Superstars I downloaded, but didn't have time to bring them in.

Thank you all for reading along with me. When WWE 2k16 comes out, I may pick it up and start a new Universe.

Final Champions

WWE - The Rock
IC - Wade Barrett
Tag Team - The Wyatt Family

World - Kurt Angle
TV - Ryback
Tag Team - Bad Influence

World - Bo Dallas
US - Sheamus
Tag Team - The Nation
Women's - Paige


This is the final pay-per-view event of my Universe. It is a joint effort of all three brands, consisting of 21 matches.

Match 1The Nation vs. The Usos   NXT Tag Team Championship
Jey slammed Kofi down and then suplexed Jimmy onto him. Langston countered a double suplex into a double DDT. He then tossed Jimmy over his head. Jey hit Kofi with a running STO. Big E came back in and hit Jimmy with the Big Ending and won.

Match 2. Ryback vs. The Miz   ECW Television Championship
Ryback grabbed Miz by the head and threw him over his shoulders. Miz came back with a quick roll up and a back suplex. Miz clotheslined Ryback in the corner and hit the Skull Crushing Finale. Ryback kicked, but Miz continued the attack with a neck breaker and another back suplex. Ryback blocked a kick and hit Shell Shock to win.

Match 3. Hell in a Cell - Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Sami Zayn vs. Dean Ambrose
Orton laid out Bray with a Lou Thesz Press. Zayn hit Ambrose with a springboard body splash. Orton hit Bray with a neck breaker. Orton hit Bray with a clothesline and snap slam. Ambrose locked Zayn in a modified chicken wing and won.

Match 4. Razor Ramon vs. Sheamus   NXT United States Championship
Sheamus landed a couple of shots to the gut. Razor went after Sheamus, but he hit a tilt-a-whirl slam. Razor returned the favor with a power slam and a bulldog. Sheamus hit White Noise and got a near fall. He then won the title after hitting the Celtic Cross.

Match 5. Wade Barrett vs James Storm   WWE Interncontinental Championship
Storm blocked a punch and connected with Closing Time. Barrett suplexed Storm onto the steel steps. Back in the ring, Storm hit the Last Call super kick. After a kick to the mid-section, Barrett hit the Winds of Change and won.

Match 6. Extreme Rules - Bad Influence vs. The Vaudevillains   ECW Tag Team Championship
All four men were fighting on the outside. Kaz hit Gotch in the back with a chair multiple times and then busted him open with a shot to the face. He later hit Wave of the Future. English caught Daniels with a release German suplex and the Neutralizer. Back in the ring, Kaz landed Fade to Black. He hit a super kick as Daniels made English tap from a sleeper hold.

Match 7. Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena
Lesnar beat down Cena's back with strikes and a power slam. Cena countered a slam into a back breaker. Cena hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He went for the AA, but Lesnar broke free and locked in the Kimura Lock. After another arm bar, Lesnar landed a fall away slam. He continued with a German suplex and a second Kimura Lock. Cena made his comeback with two shoulder tackles and a spinning slam and won.

Match 8Tyrus and Ethan Carter III vs. Kenta and Prince Devitt
Devitt came out with some Venom face paint. He and Kenta hit Tyrus with a double suplex. The NXT champ, Bo Dallas, ran down and attacked Devitt. Kenta and Devitt went after Tyrus, but EC3 broke it up. Kenta hit Tyrus with a jumping knee smash. Devitt countered Dallas' spear. EC3 hit the One Percenter and rolled Kenta up to win.

Match 9. Extreme Rules - Jeff Hardy vs. RVD vs. Mark Henry vs. Baron Corbin
Henry hit Corbin with a tilt-a-whirl side slam. RVD moved out of the way of a Jeff Hardy springboard splash. Henry slammed Corbin through the announce table. Back on the outside, RVD hit Corbin with a heel kick and tornado DDT. Corbin came back with a spike DDT and spine buster on RVD to win.

Match 10. Stone Cold vs. Batista
Batista pummeled Austin in the corner before hitting the Batista Bomb. Austin shook off a side slam and hit a Lou Thesz Press. He then connected with the Stunner, but Batista kicked out. Batista got a near fall before hitting a side slam and spine buster to win.

Match 11. The Wyatt Family vs. Triple H and Shawn Michaels   WWE Tag Team Championship
HBK and Triple H hit Rowan with a double DDT. They later connected with a double neck breaker. Using their experience to wear down the big men. Triple H had Rowan in the Indian Death Lock. Michaels connected with Sweet Chin Music. Rowan and Harper both got near falls. Michaels almost tapped from a camel clutch, but Triple H broke it up. Harper ran from the ropes and hit the vicious clothesline to win.

Match 12. Legends Battle Royal
This is a 20-man rumble featuring Superstars of the past. The first two entrants were King Kong Bundy and Mick Foley. Foley quickly had Bundy in the corner, but he broke free. No. 3 was Ricky Steamboat. He and Bundy tried to eliminate Foley. No. 4 was Rick Rude. He went after Steamboat. No. 5 was Bruno Sammartino! Rude eliminated Steamboat and Bundy knocked out Foley. The Living Legend went after Bundy. Not smart. No. 6 was Dusty Rhodes. No. 7 was Scott Steiner. Bruno tried to eliminate him, but Steiner came back with a snap suplex. No. 8 was Curt Hennig. Mini nWo reunion. Rude eliminated Bundy. No. 9 was Yokozuna. Oh. My. God. Dusty clotheslined Steiner over the top and then threw Rude over as well. No. 10 was Ted DiBiase. Bruno eliminated Yoko! No. 11 was Sgt. Slaughter. He quickly kicked Bruno off the apron. Dusty eliminated DiBiase. No. 12 was Matt Hardy. Mattitude has taken over. No. 13 was JBL.

He and Dusty eliminated Hennig. No. 14 was Lance Storm. JBL tossed Dusty over the top. No. 15 was Diamond Dallas Page. JBL continued his streak by throwing Matt over the ropes. Storm hit Slaughter with a DDT and back breaker. No. 16 was Booker T. Slaughter fought back and eliminated Storm. No. 17 was Goldust. Booker eliminated Slaughter. JBL caught Page with a one-armed spine buster. No. 18 was Jake Roberts. Goldust eliminated Booker. No. 19 was Big John Studd. Uh oh. JBL eliminated DDP. JBL tried for the quick elimination, but Studd fought back. No. 20 was Andre The Giant. That's not fair. Studd and Andre hit JBL with a double gut buster. JBL was able to escape and eliminate Roberts. JBL almost eliminated Goldust. Studd had Andre on the apron and kicked him off. Goldust threw JBL over the top. Studd clotheslined Goldust over the top and won. Great showing by all.

Match 13. CM Punk vs. Edge
Punk hit an arm drag and a float-over neck breaker. He then connect with a kick to the back of the head. Edge slammed Punk's head against the mat. He continued with the Edge-O-Matic and won.

Match 14. Ladder - Bryan vs. Styles vs. Neville vs. Rusev vs. Cesaro vs. Aries
Aries hit Bryan with a back suplex and left the ring. Bryan grabbed a ladder and hit Cesaro with it. Rusev brought the ladder into the ring. Bryan went up the ladder, but AJ and Rusev knocked him down. Cesaro slammed Neville down and climbed the ladder. Rusev pulled him down. Bryan went back up, but Neville grabbed him. Bryan kicked Neville away and pulled down the briefcase.

Match 15. Roman Reigns vs. Matt Morgan
Reigns threw Morgan to the apron. Morgan got back and went for a suplex, but Reigns countered it inot a neck breaker. Reigns threw Morgan into the ropes and tossed him up for a Samoan drop. He then hit a flying clothesline. After a leg sweep, Reigns speared Morgan to win.

Match 16. Table - Kevin Steen vs. Bully Ray
This is Ray's specialty. Ray knocked Steen down with a back elbow smash and back body drop. Steen came back with a snap slam. Ray brought in a table and set it up. Steen landed a German suplex and a cutter from the second rope. Steen went for a springboard splash, but Ray sprung to his feet and landed the Bully Cutter. After back-and-forth action, Ray picked Steen up and powerbombed him through the table.

Match 17. Table - Undertaker vs. Diesel
There were many broken tables in the ring, but from missed moves. Taker kneed Diesel in the gut and hit the Tombstone. Diesel ran at Taker, but The Dead Man landed a back body drop. Taker hit another Tombstone and just missed a table. Taker countered a fall away slam into an STO, slamming Diesel through a table.

Match 18. Hell in a Cell - Paige vs. AJ Lee   NXT Women's Championship
WHAT?! Paige hit a suplex and then slapped AJ across the face. She then landed a hip toss and running boot. Paige hit the Ram-Paige, but got a two count. AJ came back with Sliced Bread and stole Paige's finisher. Paige kicked out and retained the title with the Paige Turner.

Match 19. Kurt Angle vs. Kassius Ohno   ECW Championship
Angle clubbed the chest of Ohno before hitting the Angle Slam. He then threw Ohno into the corner and hit a picture-perfect suplex. Ohno connected with a shoulder tackle and hip toss. Angle ducked a punch and hit a tiger suplex. Ohno and Angle went back-and-forth before Angle hit three German suplexes and won.

Match 20. Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler   NXT Championship
The Rumble winner against the champ. Bo and Ziggler left the ring as Bo landed a bulldog and DDT. Back in the ring, Bo hit Ziggler with another DDT, this time on the apron. Ziggler tried putting a string of moves together, but Bo kept cutting him off. Bo countered the Fame Asser and hit a third DDT to retain the title.

Main Event. Bobby Roode vs. The Rock   WWE Championship
Not sure where The Rock came from as Cody Rhodes won the Royal Rumble, but this should be a great match. Roode was able to counter some of Rocky's moves and got away from danger. Rock threw Roode into the steel steps and landed a spine buster. Back in the ring, Rock hit a fisherman suplex and the Rock Bottom to win the title.

Recap: The Rock, who hasn't been a champion in months, walks out as the WWE champion. Wow. Great event overall. So many good matches. I'll post a recap soon.

January 31, 2015

March Week 4, Year 4

The final week of my Universe. It's been an awesome ride.

Match 1. Kane vs. Batista

Match 2. Ladder - Wade Barrett vs. James Storm
Storm threw Barrett into the corner and then connected with a falling neck breaker. He later hit a float-over neck breaker and a spine buster. Barrett came back with his dangerous strikes. Storm ducked a clothesline and hit the Last Call super kick and pulled down a briefcase.

Match 3. Stone Cold vs. Brock Lesnar
After a back suplex, Austin hit the Stunner, but got a two count. Lesnar countered a powerbomb into a DDT. Austin countered the F5 into his own DDT. Austin then locked in the Kimura Lock. Lesnar countered another powerbomb. He then locked in a triangle choke and won.

Match 4. Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Savage

Match 5. Dean Ambrose vs. Samoa Joe

Match 6. Shawn Michaels vs. Luke Harper
Triple H attacked Harper from behind. Harper fought back with an elbow drop to Michaels' back and a running bulldog. He then picked him up and hit a big boot. Harper countered a punch and rolled Michaels up and the two went back and forth with near falls. Michaes blocked a punch and locked in an abdominal stretch to win.

Main Event. Undertaker vs. Diesel

Match 1. Big Ryck vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho landed a dropkick and neck breaker. He later locked in the Walls of Jericho and then hit a flying forearm smash. Kassius Ohno ran down and helped Jericho. Ryck blocked the Death Blow and then tossed Jericho off the top. He then hit the Book of Ryck and won.

Match 2. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 3. Ryback vs. Johnny Mundo

Match 4. Eddie Guerrero vs. Jack Swagger

Match 5. Seth Rollins w/ Lita vs. Mr. Anderson w/ Nikki Bella
Anderson evened the odds by bringing in the beautiful Nikki. Anderson struck the head of Rollins before hitting a neck breaker. He then suplexed Rollins onto a chair. Rollins went for a kick, but Anderson blocked it and hit the Mic Check to win.

Match 6. Roman Reigns vs. Christian vs. The Miz
Kassius Ohno attacked Miz from behind. Miz caught Christian with the Skull Crushing Finale from behind. Reigns attacked Christian as Miz argued with the ref. He even punched the ref as he went down for a pin. Reigns and Christian hit Miz with a leg sweep/STO combo. Christian hit Reigns with a flapjack and rolled Miz up to win.

After the match, Chris Jericho ran down and hit Christian with a lead pipe.

Main Event. Goldberg vs. Edge

Match 1. Tyrus vs. Austin Aries

Match 2. Kenta vs. Damien Sandow

Match 3. The Usos vs. International Airstrike
Jey hit Kidd with a super double underhook suplex. Kidd and Gabriel hit Jimmy with a combination of kicks. The Usos came back with an atomic drop/big boot combo on Gabriel. Jimmy landed a sit out full nelson bomb on Kidd. Jey then made Kidd tap out with a camel clutch.

Match 4. Kofi Kingston vs. Antonio Cesaro

Match 5. Bully Ray vs. Big E Langston

Match 6. AJ Lee vs. Summer Rae
Summer blocked a punch and hit AJ with a running bulldog. She then hit the Summer Crush leg drop bulldog. After a near fall, she connected with the Summer's Solstice kick and won.

After the amtch, Kaitlyn ran down and attacked AJ. Summer turned around and saved AJ.

Main Event. Bo Dallas vs. Daniel Bryan
On the outside Bo hit Bryan with a leg sweep and Bryan's head slammed against a chair. Bo caught Bryan with a flipping hurricanrana into a pin and almost won. Bryan connected with Knee Plus and got a two count. Bo hit a spine buster and neck breaker. Bryan lifted Bo up, but Bo countered and rolled him up to win.

After the match, Dolph Ziggler walked down and stared down Bo.

Recap: Quick ladder match. Bo looks strong heading into his title defense. Maybe Rollins should get rid of Lita.

January 29, 2015

March Week 3, Year 4

Match 1. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar

Match 2. Stone Cold and Randy Orton vs. Batista and Kane

Match 3. Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Legacy
Shelley and Sabin hit Cody with an atomic drop/running boot combo. They later double teamed Cody with a double suplex. DiBiase DDT'd Shelley onto the apron. All four men were in the ring. Sabin hit Cody and DiBiase hit Shelley with a neck breaker. Sabin then hit Hail Sabin to win.

Match 4. Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Savage

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Samoa Joe
Stone Cold walked down. Joe hit Michaels with a running senton. Austin then hit HBK with a Stunner. Joe hit two back suplexes and a German Suplex. He then locked in the Coquina Clutch, but Michaels broke out. Michaels planted Joe with a DDT and locked in the Sharpshooter. Austin broke up the hold, but Michaels then hit Joe with Sweet Chin Music and won.

Match 6. Extreme Rules - Erick Rowan vs. Triple H

Main Event. Extreme Rules - Undertaker vs. Diesel
Taker and Diesel were on the outside for a few minutes before ever entering the ring. Taker landed a flurry of strikes. Diesel hit a clothesline from behind and a back body drop. Back on the outside, Taker hit the Tombstone. He threw Diesel into the steel steps. He went for a back breaker, but Diesel countered it into an STO into the steps. Back in the ring, Diesel hit the Jackknife and won.

After the match, Diesel continued his beat down of Taker.

Match 1. Johnny Mundo vs. Davey Richards vs. Zack Ryder

Match 2. Bad Influence vs. The Miz and Big Ryck
This match went almost 18 minutes. Wow. Kaz hit Miz with a flapjack and Fade to Black. Ryck beat down Daniels. He ran after him, but Daniels countered it into a face buster. Daniels countered a chokeslam into an STO. He then hit Last Rites and won.

Match 3. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Vaudevillains
Enzo and Big Cass double teamed Aiden English on the outside. Simon Gotch hit Cass with a super arm drag. The Vaudevillains then threw Cass hard into the corner. Enzo landed some punches with theatrics on Gotch and won.

Match 4. Baron Corbin vs. Mr. Anderson

Match 5. Christian vs. Eddie Guerrero

Match 6. Extreme Rules - Kurt Angle vs. Kassius Ohno

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Matt Morgan
Reigns took Morgan down with a shoulder tackle and then hit a flying lariat. He continued with rights and lefts and a jumping headbutt. Morgan blocked a punch and hit a gut wrench gut buster. Reigns got a near fall after another headbutt. After a leg sweep, Reigns hit a flying clothesline and won.

Match 1. Ethan Carter III vs. Kevin Steen
Wow. Big win for EC3. Carter stomped on Steen's midsection and hit a face buster. Steen and Carter both missed kicks. Carter ducked a punch and locked Steen in a sleeper hold. He then hit the One Percenter and won.

Match 2. Kenta vs. Tyrus vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 3. AJ Lee vs. Paige vs. Summer Rae
AJ and Summer hit Paige with a double DDT. AJ then hit Sliced Bread. Summer cut Paige off on the top rope and landed a superplex. Summer and Paige hit AJ with a double DDT. Summer then hit AJ with Summer Day, but Paige broke up the pin. AJ took Summer out with a DDT. Paige grabbed AJ and hit the Paige Turner to win.

Match 4. Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston

Match 5. Bully Ray vs. Big E Langston
Langston clobbered the side of Ray's head. He then tossed him over his shoulder. Ray blocked a punch and hit the Bully Bomb, but got a near fall. Langston hit a corner splash and won by making Ray tap from a full nelson hold.

Match 6. The Usos vs. The Ascension   #1 Contender's Match

Main Event. Razor Ramon vs. Justin Gabriel

Recap: Razor looks strong heading into the final PPV. Usos/Nation for the titles. Good tag matches on ECW. Diesel isn't afraid of The Dead Man.

January 28, 2015

March Week 2, Year 4

Match 1. Hulk Hogan vs. Brock Lesnar
Hogan landed a couple of elbow drops. He went for a suplex, but Lesnar countered it. Lesnar hit an overhead belly-to-belly. Hogan came back with a back breaker. Lesnar blocked a punch and locked in the kimura lock. After a clothesline, he busted Hogan open with mounted punches. Hogan broke free of an arm bar and won after hitting the big boot.

Match 2. Randy Orton vs. Kane
Orton took Kane down with a Lou Thesz Press. Kane fought back and hit a two-handed chokeslam. After a jumping ax handle, Kane landed a sidewalk slam. Batista ran down and hit Orton in the back with a chair. Orton countered a Batista Bomb and hit Kane with the RKO. Kane kicked out and hit the chokeslam to win.

Match 3. Stone Cold vs. Batista

Match 4. Samoa Joe vs. Randy Savage

Match 5. Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt
Dean landed a fury of strikes. He went for a powerbomb, but Bray countered it into a face buster. Dean hit a scoop slam and running elbow drop. After a near fall, he hit a double chicken wing face buster. He got another near fall before connecting with Dirty Deeds for the win.

Match 6. Wyatt Family vs. The Kliq

Main Event. Undertaker vs. Diesel

Match 1. Seth Rollins w/ ????? vs. Mr. Anderson
Rollins brought out...Lita! WHOA! Rollins hit Anderson with a float-over neck breaker. Anderson slammed Seth through the announce table with a DDT. Anderson hit a rolling senton and a Mic Check. Lita distracted the ref. Rollins made a comeback and hit the Sky Walker, but Anderson kicked out. A few seconds later, he hit another rolling senton to win.

Match 2. Davey Richards vs. Ryback

Match 3. Johnny Mundo vs. Jack Swagger

Match 4. Goldberg vs. Mark Henry

Match 5. CM Punk vs. Edge
Both men were grappling as Swagger ran down with a chair. He busted Edge open. Punk countered the Edge-O-Matic into a neck breaker. Swagger then hit Punk with the gut wrench powerbomb. Edge got a near fall after a hit with a kendo stick. Punk connected with a heel kick. Edge got up and speared Punk to win.

Match 6. Extreme Rules - Kassius Ohno vs. Kurt Angle
Angle attacked Ohno from behind. The match continued on the outside for a few minutes. Angle hit a back suplex and then a tiger suplex. He then picked Ohno up and landed three German suplexes. Angle threw in Ohno and then a ladder. He finished Ohno off with an Angle Slam.

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Matt Morgan

Match 1. Ethan Cater III vs. Prince Devitt

Match 2. Kaitlyn vs. Summer Rae

Match 3. The Usos vs. The Ascension
The Ascension double teamed Jimmy in their corner. Jimmy super kicked Viktor. Konnor then slammed him through the announce table. Konnor countered a double suplex into a double DDT. Konnor hit Jey with a flapjack and got a near fall. Jey then landed a super kick and won.

Match 4. Antonio Cesaro vs. Big E Langston
Big man vs. big man. The two tried getting the upper hand, but couldn't lift the other up. Langston hit a back suplex and a back body drop. Cesaro came back with a Samoan drop and gut wrench slam. After a near fall, he hit the Neutralizer, but Langston kicked out. Langston hit the Big Ending and won.

Match 5. Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow

Match 6. Extreme Rules - AJ Lee vs. Paige
Paige ran down and speared AJ before the bell rang. Paige ducked a clothesline and hit the Paige Turner. The two women pulled out a table and ladder. AJ hit Paige with a bulldog into the steel steps. Paige threw AJ head-first into a chair in the corner. After some near falls, Paige hit a second finisher and won.

Main Event. Kofi Kingston vs. Bully Ray

Recap: Nice seeing Lita. Wonder how her and Rollins paired up. Raw is still crowded at the top. Angle is vicious as the ECW champ.

January 25, 2015

March Week 1, Year 4

Match 1. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar

Match 2. The Legacy vs. Beer Money
Storm hit DiBiase with the Closing Time face buster. Later, DiBiase hit Roode with Dream Street, but got a near fall. Cody hit Storm with Cross Rhodes. He later landed a DDT while Roode and DiBiase fought on the outside. Cody busted Storm open with a bulldog. John Cena ran down and hit Roode with an AA as Legacy landed a double DDT on Storm and won.

Match 3. Randy Orton vs. Batista

Match 4. Bray Wyatt vs. Ric Flair

Match 5. The Wyatt Family vs. Triple H and Shawn Michaels
Michaels and Triple H hit Harper with a double suplex. Rowan came in and beat down Michaels. He landed a clothesline and big boot. He then hit a chokeslam and almost won, but Triple H broke up the pin. Harper and Rowan both got near falls on HBK. Harper then landed a gut wrench powerbomb to win.

Match 6. The Rock vs. Stone Cold

Main Event. Iron Man - Undertaker vs. Diesel
This is a rematch from last night. Diesel took control early with a hip toss and hangman's suplex. Taker came back with a back body drop and a standing leg drop. Diesel blocked a punch and hit the Jackknife, but Taker kicked out. Taker locked in a modified crossface, but Diesel escaped. Taker then scored the first point with a sleeper hold. He continued with a chokeslam and went up 2-0. It quickly escalated to 3-0 after a Tombstone. Damn. Diesel hit a chokeslam and hit another Jackknife and scored his first point with 4:55 left. Taker then took out Diesel with multiple shots with the steel steps. He took a 4-1 lead after a Tombstone. Not much happened after this.

Match 1. Zack Ryder vs. Ryback
Ryder ran at Ryback, but Ryback caught him with a Lou Thesz Press and then slammed his head against the mat. He did it again 20 seconds later. Ryder tried making a comeback with a hip toss, but Ryback halted it with a meat hook clothesline and won.

Match 2. Davey Richards vs. Jack Swagger

Match 3. Johnny Mundo vs. Chris Jericho
These two went back and forth with counters and high-flying attacks. Mundo blocked a kick and landed a dragon screw. He then picked up Jericho and hit the Moonlight Drive to win.

Match 4. Baron Corbin vs. Eddie Guerrero

Match 5. Christian vs. Seth Rollins

Match 6. Kassius Ohno vs. Goldberg
Ohno landed a couple of kicks. Goldberg caught him with a snap spine buster. Ohno landed an enziguiri. Goldberg landed another spine buster. Ohno missed a heel kick, which allowed Goldberg to hit a third spine buster. Goldberg threw Ohno up and speared him on the way down to win.

After the match, Kurt Angle ran down and attacked both Ohno and Goldberg.

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Matt Morgan

Match 1. Prince Devitt vs. Gunner vs. Austin Aries

Match 2. Tyrus vs. Kenta vs. Adrian Neville
Kenta and Tyrus hit Neville with a double gut buster. The match spilled to the outside where Neville hit Kenta with a sit-out powerbomb. Kenta and Neville then teamed up and beat down Tyrus. Neville caught Tyrus with a running cutter. Tyrus came back with a second-rope splash. Kenta and Neville hit Tyrus with a double wheelbarrow slam and Kenta got the three count.

Match 3. Paige vs. Natalya

Match 4. Antonio Cesaro vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 5. Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow

Match 6. AJ Lee vs. Kaitlyn Paige
Kaitlyn came out and introduced Paige as AJ's opponent for tonight. Paige defeated Nattie earlier tonight. Paige beat down AJ with a leg sweep and running boot. AJ came back with an arm drag and a front suplex. She then hit a running bulldog and won with a roll up pin.

Main Event. Submission - Kevin Steen Kofi Kingston vs. Bully Ray
Steen brought out Kofi as his replacement. Kofi took Ray down three times with three knife-edge chops. Kofi later landed a supercanrana. Ray came back with a spike piledriver. He went for the Bully Cutter, but Kofi blocked it. The two went back and forth with punches before Ray landed another piledriver before winning with a camel clutch.

Recap: A lot of Superstars ducked out of their matches. Is it because of fear or intelligence? Angle will take on all challengers. Lot of good tag teams on Raw.

January 21, 2015


The final PPV of February. One month left.

Match 1. Hulk Hogan vs. Batista
Batista landed a snap mare and a spinning sidewalk slam. He later hit the Batista Bomb, but Hogan kicked out. Batista locked in a full nelson hold and hit another sidewalk slam. Hogan came back with mounted punches and the atomic leg drop, but Batista kicked out. A minute later, he hit the big boot and a second leg drop to win.

Match 2. Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar
Orton dumped Lesnar over the top, but Brock came back in and landed a back breaker. He then caught Orton with a release belly-to-back suplex. After a couple more minutes of fighting, Lesnar lifted Orton up and hit the F5 to win.

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Dean Ambrose
Zayn connected with a step-up heel kick and an STO. Zayn rolled Dean up and the two began a pin battle. A minute later, Dean initiated the roll up and started another back-and-forth battle. After a near fall, Dean connected with Dirty Deeds and won.

Match 4. Wade Barrett vs. Shawn Michaels   WWE Intercontinental Championship
Michaels went for a flying forearm smash, but Barrett caught him with a sit-out spine buster. He then hit the Winds of Change. Michaels connected with Sweet Chin Music, but Barrett kicked out. He continued with a springboard splash and standing dropkick. Barrett hit a clothesline and finished him off with Wasteland.

Match 5. Iron Man - Undertaker vs. Diesel
Undertaker accidentally took out the ref before the match began. Taker was in control for the first few minutes. Diesel landed a few punches. Taker went for the Tombstone, but Diesel reversed it and got a long two count. He then locked in a sleeper hold and scored the first point. Taker came back with a back body drop and leg drop before tying the score with his own sleeper hold. Diesel landed the knockout punch and took a 2-1 lead. Taker was able to hit the Tombstone and tied it up with 5:01 left. Diesel busted Taker open with a chair. Taker went unphased and Tombstoned Diesel onto the chair and went up 3-2. Diesel was barely able to lift Taker up for the Jackknife and tied it 3-3 with 40 seconds left. Time expired.

Match 6. Corey Graves vs. Samoa Joe vs. Magnus vs. Cody Rhodes
Joe connected with rights and lefts on Magnus. Cody hit Graves with the Alabama Slam. Cody then put Joe in the tree of woe. Magnus hit Graves with the MDD. Joe and Graves both got near falls on Magnus and Cody, respectively. Graves chop blocked Cody's left leg and then got the win.

Main Event. Sting vs. Triple H vs. Wyatt vs. Rock vs. Roode vs. Cena   WWE Championship
The two Superstars were Triple H and Sting. Here. We. Go. Triple H landed a back suplex and back breaker early. The Rock entered next. Why is he in this match? Sting and Triple H worked over Rock together. John Cena exited his pod. He and Triple H went back and forth. Bobby Roode came in next and targeted Rock with a spine buster. Bray Wyatt finally entered and all six men began to brawl. Sting and Bray continued their little feud. Triple H and Roode fought. Rock and Cena traded punches.

Cena hit Triple H with two shoulder tackles and a spinning slam. Roode eliminated Cena with a huge spine buster. Rock eliminated Triple H with a camel clutch. Roode later eliminated Rock with the Pay Off suplex. Sting took down Bray with the Scorpion Death Drop. Bray and Roode double teamed Sting. They hit a double chokeslam. Sting came back and hit Bray with another finisher and eliminated him. Sting and Roode were the last two. Roode landed a running clothesline and vicious spine buster to win the title.

Recap: Barrett defeated the Showstopper again. He's gonna be a thorn in The Kliq's side. This Diesel/Taker feud is far from over. Roode is back as champion. Who does he face in the next month?

January 20, 2015

February Week 4, Year 4

Match 1. Brock Lesnar vs. Batista
Batista took Brock down with a drop toe hold and Lesnar went face-first into a chair. Lesnar hit a back suplex. He went for a back breaker, but Batista countered it. Batista went for a powerbomb, but Lesnar blocked it and hit the F5. Batista hit the Batista Bomb seconds later. Lesnar hit a clothesline and fall away slam and got the win.

Match 2. Corey Graves vs. James Storm

Match 3. Stone Cold vs. Dean Ambrose

Match 4. Bray Wyatt vs. Ric Flair

Match 5. Submission - Shawn Michaels vs. Wade Barrett
Michaels left the ring and took down Barrett on the apron. Back in the ring, Barrett clotheslined HBK from behind. Michaels got up and connected with Sweet Chin Music. Barrett focused on the legs of Michaels and then hit the Winds of Change. Barrett then hit a sit-out spine buster and another Winds of Change before winning with a camel clutch. 

Match 6. Extreme Rules - Undertaker vs. Diesel
Taker left the ring and speared Diesel on the ramp. Diesel busted Taker open with the steel steps. Back in the ring, Taker landed a flying lariat. He went for the chokeslam, but Diesel blocked it. Taker then hit the Tombstone on the outside. Diesel connected with the Jackknife a minute later. After a sidewalk slam, Taker hit the chokeslam and won.

Main Event. Sting vs. Triple H

Match 1. Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 2. Johnny Mundo vs. Big Ryck

Match 3. Ryback vs. Seth Rollins
The men left the ring and went after weapons. Ryback busted Rollins open with a chair shot. Rollins threw Ryback into the barricade and then hit the Sky Walker. Rollins then busted Ryback open with the steel steps. Rollins blocked two punches and hit a second finisher to win.

Match 4. Baron Corbin vs. Rhyno

Match 5. Christian vs. The Miz

Match 6. Kurt Angle vs. Goldberg
Angle blocked Goldberg's kick, but Goldberg came right back wieth a flurry of strikes. Goldberg threw Angle into the ropes and hit a spine buster. Angle connected with the three German suplexes and got a near fall. Goldberg hit the snap neck breaker and the spear to win.

After the match, Kassius Ohno appeared at the top of the ramp and stared down Angle.

Main Event. Roman Reigns vs. Matt Morgan
Morgan eliminated Reigns in the chamber last Sunday. Reigns ran at Morgan for a clothesline, but Matt landed a one-arm spine buster. Reigns threw Morgan into the ropes, but Matt landed an overhead belly-to-belly. Reigns threw Matt to the outside and smacked him around a bit. Morgan hit a discus clothesline and side suplex. Back in the ring, Reigns connected with the spear from out of nowhere and won.

Match 1. Tyrus vs. Adrian Neville

Match 2. Kenta vs. Tyson Kidd
Kidd landed an arm drag and Kenta came right back with a snap slam. Kidd faked an Irish whip and hit a back breaker. The two went back and forth in a roll up with many near falls. Kidd landed a leg sweep and won with a corkscrew neck breaker.

Match 3. Razor Ramon vs. Ethan Carter III

Match 4. Kofi Kingston vs. Antonio Cesaro

Match 5. Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus and Austin Aries
Sheamus fought Ziggler on the outside. Aries went for the brain buster, but Bryan countered it and put him in the Yes Lock. AJ Styles ran down and hit Aries with the Styles Clash. Sheamus kicked out of a pin and hit Bryan with the Irish Curse back breaker. Ziggler and Bryan hit Sheamus with an STO/leg sweep combo to win.

Match 6. Extreme Rules - Paige vs. AJ Lee
YES! Paige left the ring and cut AJ's entrance short. AJ pulled out a ladder and then went back into the ring. Paige was waiting and hit the Paige Turner. She continued with a back elbow and hip toss. AJ came back with Sliced Bread No. 2 and won.

After the match, AJ continued the assault on Paige. 

Main Event. Kevin Steen vs. Bully Ray

Recap: The women fighting in an extreme rules match? Nice. Reigns and Morgan will be a super brawl. Raw has a lot, and I mean A LOT, of top names. It may be too crowded at the top.

January 19, 2015


The TV title gets a nice boost by being defended in the Chamber.

Match 1. Jeff Hardy vs. Jack Swagger
Jeff caught Swagger with a hip toss and jumping elbow drop. He continued with some punches and a dropkick. After a running neck breaker, Jeff hit the Twist of Fate and won.

Match 2. Bad Influence vs. The American Wolves   ECW Tag Team Championship
Kaz threw Daniels onto Edwards. They continued the tag moves in their corner. Daniels hit Edwards with an Alabama Slam. Kaz hit Richards with a super German suplex. He then hit the Flux Capacitor, but got a near fall. He connected with a super kick and Fade to Black to retain the titles.

Match 3. CM Punk vs. Baron Corbin
Punk landed a few kicks at the opening bell. Corbin countered a suplex into a neck breaker. Punk hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Sick. And then rolled him up, but got a two count. Punk connected with a springboard elbow and a front suplex. After a near fall, Punk picked Corbin up for the GTS and won.

Match 4. Rollins vs. Christian vs. Reigns vs. Miz vs. Morgan vs. Ryback   ECW TV Championship
This is the Chamber match. Rollins and Miz kicked off the match. Neither man got the upper hand as Roman Reigns entered the match. Both Reigns and Rollins attacked Miz. Rollins and Miz then hit Reigns with a double gut buster. Ryback left his pod next. The Big Guy went after Reigns. Miz hit Rollins with a front headlock driver and the Skull Crushing Finale. Christian entered next and eliminated Rollins. WHAT?! Matt Morgan exited his pod and the fun begins. Morgan hit Miz with a power slam and a one-arm spine buster. Morgan later hit Reigns with a spine buster as well.

He and Miz hit a leg sweep/STO combo on Reigns. Morgan eliminated Reigns with a chokeslam. He then hit Miz with a running lariat and eliminated him. Ryback locked Christian in a Boston Crab, but he escaped. Christian took down Morgan with a hurricanrana. Christian and Ryback hit Morgan with a double suplex. Ryback and Morgan hit Christian with a double slam. Ryback then landed multiple elbow drops before eliminating Christian. Morgan caught a running Ryback with a spine buster. Ryback came back with Shell Shock and won the title.

Match 5. Kassius Ohno vs. Kurt Angle
The ECW title is not on the line. Angle threw Ohno into the corner. Ohno went for an elbow, but Angle ducked and hit a German suplex. Angle and Ohno battled back-and-forth on the announce table. Ohno took control and DDT'd Angle through it. Angle got a near fall after an overhead belly-to-belly. He then hit the Angle Slam to win.

Match 6. Goldberg vs. Edge vs. Rob Van Dam
Goldberg hit Van Dam with a DDT and a powerful spine buster. Later, Goldberg sent Edge into the ropes and hit him with a spine buster and got a near fall. Edge and RVD hit Goldberg with a double leg sweep. RVD connected with a jumping heel kick on Edge. Goldberg caught Edge with the Jackhammer. He then hit a pump handle drop and pinned him to win.

Main Event. Table - Johnny Mundo vs. Big Ryck
Two of the newest stars are main eventing a PPV. Ryck stacked a table on top of another. He jumped off, but Mundo moved and caught him with a shot to the gut. Ryck then crashed through the tables. On the outside, Mundo connected with the Moonlight Drive. Ryck shoved Mundo into the ropes and landed a spike DDT. He then hit a press slam. The two men were trading punches when Ryck through Mundo into a table and speared him through it.

Recap: Big win for Big Ryck. Angle dominated Ohno. Can Kassius come back in time for his title match? Ryback went on a tear in the chamber.

January 18, 2015

February Week 3, Year 4

Match 1. James Storm vs. Dean Ambrose

Match 2. Hell in a Cell - Kane vs. Batista
Kane landed two knee strikes and then a back breaker. Kane hit a sidewalk slam and got a near fall. He had his chokeslam reversed and Batista hit the Batista Bomb. He hit another powerbomb seconds later and won.

Match 3. Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Legacy

Match 4. Bray Wyatt vs. Ric Flair

Match 5. Wade Barrett vs. Shawn Michaels
Michaels countered Barrett's slam into a DDT. He then hit an atomic drop and float-over neck breaker. Michaels kipped up, but Barrett immediately hit him with an overhead belly-to-belly slam and the Winds of Change. After a two count, he hit Wasteland and won.

After the match, Barrett continued stomping on Michaels.

Match 6. Undertaker vs. Corey Graves
Diesel walked down and stood at ringside. Shortly after, Diesel jumped on the apron and distracted Taker. Graves took advantage and landed a snap neck breaker. Taker came back with a flying lariat and a chokeslam. He then picked Graves up for the Tombstone and won.

Main Event. Extreme Rules - Sting vs. Triple H

Match 1. Jeff Hardy vs. Jack Swagger

Match 2. The Miz vs. Ryback

Match 3. Zack Ryder vs. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho
Punk missed Jericho with a springboard elbow. Jericho then landed a release German suplex. Zack took out Punk with the Rough Ryder, but Jericho was right there. Ryder hit Jericho with an inverted DDT. Punk busted Zack open with the GTS. Punk held Ryder as Jericho landed a heel kick. Jericho hit Punk with a neck breaker. Ryder landed the Rough Ryder on Jericho to win.

Match 4. Baron Corbin vs. Rob Van Dam
Corbin landed mounted punches and then an arm wrench into a DDT. He then hit a huge spine buster, but RVD kicked out. Van Dam came back with a mudhole stomping and rolling wheel kick. Matt Morgan ran down with a chair. Seth Rollins appeared from the crowd. Seth and Matt fought on the outside as Corbin hit a powerbomb and won.

Match 5. Seth Rollins vs. Christian

Match 6. Kassius Ohno vs. Kurt Angle
Ohno landed two elbow shots to the head before hitting a gut buster. Angle came back with the Angle Slam. He then landed a running clothesline and got another near fall. Angle threw Ohno into the ropes and caught him with the three German suplexes before getting the win.

Main Event. Johnny Mundo and Big Ryck vs. The American Wolves
After last week working together, Ryck attacked Mundo and left the match.

Match 1. Kenta and Adrian Neville vs. Tyrus and Ethan Carter III
Kenta found a friend to help. Tyrus kneed Neville's gut and then hit a power slam. Neville dumped EC3 to the outside as Tyrus hit Kenta with a t-bone suplex. Carter hit Kenta with the One Percenter. Carter ducked a kick from Neville and rolled him up to win.

Match 2. Kofi and Big E vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Prime Time Players vs. International Airstrike

Match 4. Daniel Bryan vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 5. Sheamus vs. Antonio Cesaro
The two brawlers left the ring and fought near the announcers. Sheamus picked Cesaro up and put him through the table with White Noise. Sheamus threw Cesaro back into the ring, slammed him around a bit and got some near falls. Cesaro threw Sheamus into the corner, but Sheamus raked the eyes and hit the Brogue Kick to win.

Match 6. Paige vs. Kaitlyn

Main Event. Extreme Rules - Kevin Steen vs. Bully Ray
Steen left the ring and met Ray on the ramp. Both men pulled out a chair. Ray was going for another weapon when Steen caught him with a snap slam. Steen landed a DDT and finally threw Ray into the ring. The bell rang. Ray hit a back breaker and got a near fall. He connected with a spike piledriver and won.

Recap: Bully Ray is a vicious man. Tryus and EC3 are a powerful team. Zack Ryder's amazing story continues.