June 6, 2014

July Week 1, Year 3

WCW Nitro
Match 1. Psychosis vs. The Hurricane

Match 2. Xavier Woods vs. Ultimo Dragon vs. Darren Young

Match 3. Battle Royal - DDP vs. Warrior vs. R-Truth vs. Rick Rude vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Wade Barrett
Winner gets a US title shot. DDP quickly eliminated Barrett. He and Warrior then worked over Truth. After a few seconds, they tossed him out. DiBiase tossed Rude over the ropes and then kicked him off the apron. Warrior then clotheslined DDP over the top. DiBiase won after eliminating Warrior.

Match 4. Goldberg vs. Alberto Del Rio
Goldberg landed a quick DDT. The two were caught in a pin battle. Goldberg then hit the Jackhammer, but Del Rio kicked out. He connected with a nice dropkick. Del Rio focused on the right arm of Goldberg. He got right up and hit a second Jackhammer to win.

Match 5. The Rock vs. Hollywood Hogan
During the match, Rock accidentally took out the ref. DDP ran down and hit Hogan with the Diamond Cutter, giving Rock the win.

Main Event. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall vs. Scott Steiner and Curt Hennig
Hennig and Steiner hit Nash with a double suplex. Hall hit Hennig with some punches. He blocked one and hit the Perfect-plex. Nash hit Hennig with a huge big boot. He went for the Jackknife, but Hennig countered it. All four men battled in the ring. Hennig took Nash down with the headlock take down and snap mare and won with his feet on the ropes.

Match 1. Tajiri vs. Tommy Dreamer

Match 2. Paul London vs. Stevie Richards

Match 3. Sabu vs. Rey Mysterio

Match 4. Brodus Clay vs. Abyss
Flair got involved early, but the ref sent him packing. Clay caught Abyss with the running cross body. Abyss lifted Clay up and hit the Shock Treatment. Outside the ring, Abyss speared Clay through the railing. Back in the ring, Clay landed a t-bone suplex and won.

Match 5. Extreme Rules - Rob Van Dam vs. Matt Hardy
Van Dam took Matt down with a sledgehammer. He then hit a springboard senton and the Rolling Thunder. Matt rolled RVD up and began a string of near falls. RVD took Matt down with a drop toe hold and smashed hit face against a table. He then connected with a heel kick and won.

Main Event. Stone Cold vs. Bray Wyatt
Bray caught Austin with a spinning back breaker. Austin came back and hit the Stunner out of nowhere. After a near fall, Austin took Bray down with the Lou Thesz Press. He got another near fall and hit the second Stunner. Bray hit a twisting side slam and won with the running cross body.

TNA Impact
Match 1. Kenny King vs. Booker T

Match 2. Eric Young vs. Fandango

Match 3. Petey Williams and Sami Zayn vs. Tomko and Gunner
After weeks of fighting, Petey and Sami team up. Kenny King ran down and attacked Williams. Gunner picked Williams up and hit the Hanger 18. King pulled Zayn off the apron and hit him with the Coronation. Tomko almost took Petey's head off with a clothesline. Gunner landed a back to neck breaker combo and won.

Match 4. Bad Influence vs. American Wolves
Raven walked down and stood at ringside. Davey caught Kaz with a couple of kicks and a hurricanrana. The Wolves hit Daniels with a snapmare and kick to the chin. Daniels connected with Angel's Wings. Richards countered a suplex into a neck breaker. Kaz hit Richards with a reverse piledriver and won.

After the match, Raven joined them in the ring and celebrated.

Match 5. Submission - AJ Styles vs. Eddie Guerrero
Ryback is not done with AJ yet. He attacked him from behind. Eddie connected with the Gory Bomb and the Three Amigos. AJ came back with a step-over heel kick and the Pele kick. He went for the Styles Clash, but Eddie reversed it. After a second Gory Bomb, he locked in the Lasso From El Paso to win.

After the match, AJ put out his hand and shook Eddie's.

Main Event. Antonio Cesaro vs. Chris Jericho
Both men were trading punches. Jericho accidentally took out the ref. Ohno ran down and knocked out Jericho with the Death Blow and Cesaro won.

WWE SmackDown
Match 1. Dean Ambrose vs. Jimmy Uso

Match 2. Kofi Kingston and Jeff Hardy vs. The Shield

Match 3. Big E Langston vs. Damien Sandow

Match 4. Extreme Rules - Dolph Ziggler vs. Edge
Edge hit Ziggler with a jaw breaker. Ziggler came back with a snap slam. Ziggler hit a neck breaker and picked up a sledgehammer. Edge had Dolph on the apron, but Ziggler came back with a sunset flip and got a near fall. After another near fall, Ziggler hit the Zig Zag and won.

Match 5. The Brotherhood vs. Randy Orton and Batista
Cody had Orton in his corner as Goldust kicked him in the gut. Much later, Goldust and Batista went to the outside. Goldust slammed Batista through the announce table. Batista came back with a powerbomb from the second rope. Both men tagged out and Cody won with Cross Rhodes on Orton.

Main Event. Undertaker vs. John Cena
Taker punched and kicked Cena back into the corner. He went for the Last Ride, but Cena rolled out of it. Cena then hit his shoulder tackles and a spin-out slam. Taker came back with a chokeslam. Cena kicked out of a couple of pins and attempted the AA, but Taker broke free and hit the Last Ride to win.

After the match, Triple H ran down and attacked Taker. He then posed with the WWE title.

Recap: It looks like DDP has had enough of Hogan and the nWo. The new members got another win over the vets. Kassius Ohno and Antonio Cesaro? Triple H is trying to do what Batista couldn't. 

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