Match 1. Wade Barrett vs. Ted DiBiase WCW European Championship
Wade tied DiBiase in the ropes and landed multiple knee shots and then hit a big boot. He later hit a sit-out spine buster and got a near fall. Barrett then busted Ted open with a DDT. After a pump handle slam, Barrett hit the Winds of Change to win.
Match 2. Damien Sandow vs. Jack Swagger WWE Intercontinental Championship
Swagger landed a leg drop and then chop blocked the left knee of Sandow. Swagger landed a clothesline and a northern lights suplex. After a back-and-forth pin battle, Swagger hit the gutwrench powerbomb to win the IC title.
Match 3. Matt Morgan vs. Scott Steiner vs. Ultimate Warrior vs. Rick Rude
This is a bodybuilder's dream. Rude hit Morgan with a float-over neck breaker. Warrior lifted Steiner up for a gorilla press slam. Morgan came back with a spike piledriver on Rude. Morgan landed two back suplexes and a neck breaker on Steiner. He then landed a huge spine buster. Steiner hit a Frankensteiner and pinned Morgan.
Match 4. I Quit - Hulk Hogan vs. Kevin Nash
If Nash loses, the nWo disbands. Hogan quickly beat down Nash. He left the ring and grabbed a chair to hit Nash with. He then landed multiple shots with the steel steps, but Nash didn't quit. Back in the ring, he hit the leg drop, but to no avail. Nash came back with a couple of clotheslines and a big boot. Hogan was making a comeback, but Nash landed the Jackknife. Hogan was able to get up and bust Nash open with another chair shot. After another leg drop, Nash quit.
Match 5. Table - Jeff Hardy vs. Edge WWE Championship
Jeff had Edge on a table and went for a diving leg drop, but missed. He came back and landed the Twist of Fate. Edge countered a Death Valley Driver and hit reverse neck breaker, but just missed the table. Edge had Jeff on his shoulders, but Jeff escaped and suplexed Edge through a table to retain.
Match 6. Extreme Rules - John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar
This was a brawl. There was a ladder, chair and steel steps at ringside. Cena tossed the ladder into the ring and DDT'd Lesnar onto it. Both men got near falls late in the match. Cena landed an overhead belly-to-belly and the F5 onto the ladder to get the win.
Main Event. TLC - Goldberg vs. Big Show WCW Championship
Big Show worked over Goldberg on the outside. He used a ladder and a chair. He landed the Showstopper in the ring and began climbing. Goldberg came back with a DDT and spine buster. He then hit the Jackhammer and went to get the title. Both men were at the top when Goldberg flipped Show over his head and down to the floor before grabbing the title.
Recap: That's it. The nWo is done. What will Nash, Hall, Syxx and Hennig do? Where does that leave WCW? Jeff pulled out all the stops to retain.
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