October 31, 2013

April Week 1, Year 1

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro

Match 2. Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow vs. Dean Ambrose

Match 3. Sin Cara vs. Drew McIntyre

Match 4. Hulk Hogan and Macho Man vs. Brock Lesnar and Kane
A battle between the past and present. Lesnar caught both men with release German suplexes. Kane left midway, leaving Lesnar by himself. Hogan landed the leg drop to win.

After the match, Roman Reigns and Sid Vicious attacked Hogan and Savage.

Main Event. Last Man Standing - Mark Henry vs. Dolph Ziggler
Raw is pulling no punches in the first week. Ziggler dropkicked Henry a couple of times. Henry got right up and hit a belly-to-belly. Ziggler attempted a Zig Zag, but Henry countered and hit the World's Strongest Slam and won.

After the match, Lesnar walked down and tossed Ziggler out of the ring. He then shook Henry's hand.

Match 1. The Miz vs. Curtis Axel

Match 2. The Hart Foundation vs. Prime Time Players

Match 3. Ricky Steamboat vs. Rey Mysterio
This is definitely a dream match I'd want to see. They may have fought in early WCW, but I don't know. Ricky caught Rey with a head scissors and cross body. He got a two count before hitting the diving splash to win.

Match 4. JBL vs. Mick Foley

Main Event. Triple H vs. Chris Jericho
Triple H attacked Jericho from behind. During the match, JBL ran down and attacked Jericho. Jericho recovered and hit the triple powerbomb. Triple H had his Pedigree reversed, but was able to hit it 25 seconds later to win.

After the match, Bret and Jericho had a war of words.

Match 1. Goldust vs. Heath Slater

Match 2. Legion of Doom vs. Wyatt Family

Match 3. Bray Wyatt vs. Kofi Kingston

Match 4. Christian vs. Mr. Perfect
Two great technicians going at it here. Hennig blocked a punch and hit the Perfect-plex, but Christian kicked out. Christian connected with the Killswitch, but got a two count. Hennig went for a body press slam, but Christian countered into a roll up and won.

Main Event. Ultimate Warrior vs. Diesel
This is a 90s matchup that would have been fun to watch. They quickly left the ring and took advantage of the no DQs. Diesel hit a running slam and Jackknife, but Warrior kicked out. Warrior was slammed on the garbage can before receiving another Jackknife to give Diesel the win.

Recap: These matches are definitely a lot quicker than last year's game. I'm not complaining. All three rosters have a loaded main event picture. I think SmackDown has the best overall roster. Good first week.

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