October 20, 2014

July Week 2, Year 4

Match 1. CM Punk vs. Ultimate Warrior

Match 2. Hell in a Cell - Alberto Del Rio vs. Samoa Joe
Not sure why this match is taking place inside a cell. Del Rio and Joe countered each other before ADR hit a gut buster. Del Rio hit a sunset flip from the apron and then locked in the cross arm breaker. Joe came back and locked in the Coquina Clutch. Joe then hit a running slam and won.

Match 3. Lucha Dragons vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Match 4. Bray Wyatt vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Match 5. Randy Savage vs. Rick Rude w/ Ted DiBiase
DiBiase was thrown out of the match early, but not before he tossed in a chair. Sami Zayn ran down as Rude hit Savage with the neck breaker onto the chair. Zayn went for the brain buster, but Rude countered it into a neck breaker. Rude rolled Savage up, but Randy countered it back and got the win.

Match 6. Kane vs. James Storm

Main Event. Ric Flair vs. Sami Zayn
Zayn ran back down and speared Flair before the match began. These two brawled all around ringside. Flair put Zayn through the announce table with a piledriver. Zayn wailed struck Flair with a kendo stick multiple times. Flair countered the brain buster and locked in the Figure Four. They went back outside before Flair hit the knee smash and won.

Match 1. Scott Steiner vs. Kassius Ohno vs. Christian
Christian busted Steiner open with a DDT. Steiner and Christian hit Ohno with a double flapjack. Steiner caught Christian with a twisting back suplex. Steiner held Christian up as Ohno connected with a jumping heel kick. Christian and Ohno hit a leg sweep/STO combo and Christian got the win.

Match 2. Rob Van Dam vs. Matt Morgan
Morgan accidentally hit the referee with a big boot. Jeff Hardy ran down and hit Morgan with a Twist of Fate.

Match 3. London and Kendrick vs. Curt Hennig and Syxx
London made the hot tag to Kendrick. Brian caught Syxx with Sliced Bread No. 2, but got a near fall. Hennig came in and hit the perfect snapmare and went for a pin, but London broke it up. London tossed Kendrick from the top onto Hennig. Kendrick then hit his finisher and got the win.

Match 4. Ryback vs. Drew McIntyre

Match 5. Edge vs. Chris Jericho

Match 6. Eddie Guerrero vs. William Regal

Main Event. Elimination - Impact Players vs. Bad Influence
Both teams utilized tag moves early. Storm locked in the Sharpshooter on Kaz. Justin then connected with a super kick to Daniels. Daniels went for a springboard splash on Storm, but Storm kipped up and connected with a super kick to get the first elimination. Justin finished the match with That's Incredible on Kaz.

Match 1. Prince Devitt and Adrian Neville vs. Gunner and Kenny King
Gunner held Neville in his corner as King landed a kick to the gut. Devitt landed a Russian leg sweep and went for the pin, but King broke it up. Devitt hit King with a huge inverted DDT. King and Gunner landed a double hip toss and Gunner got the pin.

Match 2. The Usos vs. The Ascension
Konnor caught Jimmy with a knee to the gut and a flapjack. He hit a second flapjack seconds later. Much later, Jimmy connected with a super kick to Viktor and won.

Match 3. AJ Styles vs. Bo Dallas

Match 4. Kofi Kingston vs. Austin Aries

Match 5. Extreme Rules - WGTT vs. International Airstrike
Kidd stopped Charlie from using a sledgehammer, but he received a hip toss. Shelton caught Gabriel with a release German suplex. After Kidd and Shelton got one counts, Shelton hit Justin with a super kick and won.

Match 6. Extreme Rules - Brodus Clay vs. Kenta

Main Event. Sheamus vs. Kevin Steen

Recap: The tag division in NXT may be the best. Christian wins another triple threat. Flair scores one over Zayn.

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