October 26, 2014

July Week 3, Year 4

Match 1. Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Savage

Match 2. Evolution vs. Wyatt Family
Triple H walked down with a sledgehammer. Surprisingly, he didn't attack Orton. Batista hit Rowan with a swinging side slam. Rowan came back with a DDT. Rowan then hit a chokeslam. The Wyatts hit Batista with a back breaker/ax handle smash combo. Orton ducked a clothesline from Rowan and rolled him up to win.

Match 3. Hulk Hogan vs. ?????
Will Lesnar make his return? He did! Lesnar countered a suplex into a neck breaker. He later threw Hogan into the corner and then hit a fall away slam. He then busted Hogan open with a DDT. Hogan returned the favor with a huge right hand. He connected with a big boot, clothesline in the corner and the leg drop to win.

Match 4. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Kane

Match 5. Rick Rude vs. Wade Barrett

Match 6. Triple H vs. Booker T
Randy Orton ran down and caught Triple H with the RKO. Payback's a...

Main Event. Sami Zayn vs. Kurt Angle
Flair came down with a sledgehammer. He went to hit Zayn, but Sami was too quick. Zayn landed a springboard body splash on Angle. Angle and Flair double teamed Zayn. Zayn was able to connect with the brain buster and won.

After the match, Flair grabbed a lead pipe and beat down Zayn.

Match 1. The Shield vs. Enzo Amore and Big Cass
Can Rollins and Reigns put their differences aside? They hit Enzo with a double leg sweep on the outside. Cass hit Rollins with a swinging slam onto the steel steps. Rollins held Enzo in a headlock as Reigns jumped from the top and stomped on Enzo's back. After a near fall, Rollins connected with Sky Walker and won.

Match 2. Hell in a Cell - Scott Steiner vs. Rob Van Dam
Um, why? After a near fall, Steiner lifted RVD up and hit the Steiner Screwdriver. Van Dam broke out of a hold and hit a jumping heel kick. Steiner kicked out and hit a clothesline. He then hit a second screwdriver to win.

Match 3. London and Kendrick vs. Curt Hennig and Syxx

Match 4. Kassius Ohno vs. Rhyno

Match 5. Edge vs. Chris Jericho
Edge landed a flapjack and punched Jericho in the head. He hit a shoulder block in the corner and choked Jericho. Edge continued the one-sided assault with a clothesline and Impaler DDT to win.

Match 6. Extreme Rules - Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Ambrose

Main Event. Extreme Rules - Bad Influence vs. Impact Players

Match 1. Prince Devitt vs. Tyson Kidd

Match 2. WGTT vs. The Usos

Match 3. Iron Man - Kevin Steen vs. ?????
Who could it be? Sheamus is back! Steen pulled out a chair and cracked Sheamus over the head. Steen landed a powerbomb and a tiger suplex onto the steel steps. He then busted Sheamus open with a curb stomp. Later, Sheamus suplexed Steen onto the steps. He scored the first point after a Celtic Cross. Steen connected with F-Cinq to tie it up. Steen took the lead after a Package Piledriver. Sheamus tied it back up with a bear hug. Steen scored his third point with a full nelson hold. Steen took a 4-2 lead after another submission hold. Sheamus cut the deficit by 1 with another Celtic Cross with 45 seconds left. 

Match 4. Austin Aries vs. Kofi Kingston

Match 5. Dolph Ziggler vs. Alexander Rusev
Ziggler took down Rusev on the outside. Rusev busted Dolph open with the steel steps. Ziggler connected with the dropkick and Zig Zag, but Rusev got up. He landed a swinging sidewalk slam. Ziggler hit a super kick and got a two count. Rusev locked Ziggler in a bear hug to win.

Match 6. Extreme Rules - The Rock vs. Kenny King
Teacher vs. student, young vs. old. Rock tossed Kenny out of the ring and hit the spine buster and Rock Bottom. He continued with a kick to the gut and Samoan drop. King kicked out of a pin and connected with the Coronation to win.

After the match, Kenny wanted to shake Rock's hand, but Rock slapped it and walked away.

Main Event. Brodus Clay vs. Damien Sandow

Recap: The Shield is still a powerhouse on ECW. Lesnar surprised Hogan, but still couldn't win. That was a great Iron Man match.

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