April 17, 2014


Match 1. Ric Flair vs. William Regal
Flair hit Regal with a back suplex. Titus O'Neil ran down and landed a sit-out spine buster on Regal. Regal came back with the Power of the Punch on Flair. Regal hit Flair with a belly-to-belly. Flair caught Regal with a double underhook suplex. He later hit a piledriver and won.

Match 2. nWo vs. Prime Time Players   WCW Tag Team Championship
Titus hit Hennig with a huge power slam. Young hit Steiner with a couple of elbow drops and got a near fall. He later hit a flying fore arm, but Steiner came back with a leg sweep. Young kicked out and hit Gut Check to finally win the tag titles.

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Bret Hart vs. DDP vs. Rick Rude   WCW United States Championship
Wade hit Bret with a sit-out powerbomb as Page hit Rude with a neck breaker. Wade then connected with the Bull Hammer and got a near fall. Page and Rude went back and forth with near falls. Rude landed his neck breaker and almost won. Bret hit Page with a piledriver as Barrett hit Rude with the Winds of Change to retain the title.

Match 4. Eddie Guerrero vs. Alberto Del Rio
After a dropkick, Eddie lifted Del Rio up and hit the Gory Bomb. Del Rio tossed Eddie into the corner and hit a body splash. He then hit a spike piledriver. Eddie hit a dragon screw and a springboard senton and got two near falls. He finished Del Rio off with the Three Amigos.

Match 5. Ultimate Warrior vs. Antonio Cesaro
Cesaro had Warrior set up for a double underhook powerbomb, but he countered it. Cesaro later lifted Warrior up on his shoulders and hit a Death Valley Driver. Fellow United Kingdom member Wade Barrett ran down and hit Warrior with the Bull Hammer. Warrior kicked out to the surprise of Cesaro and Barrett. Cesaro countered a gorilla press slam into a DDT. Warrior clotheslined Cesaro and hit the running splash to win.

Match 6. Edge vs. Kevin Nash w/ Scott Hall
This has been months in the making, ever since Nash kicked Edge out of the group. Nash hit Edge with a Jackknife powerbomb, but Edge kicked out. Curt Hennig walked down with a chair and cracked Edge over the head and then hit a Perfect-plex. Edge got up and speared Nash. After a leg sweep, Nash landed a second powerbomb and won.

Main Event. Hollywood Hogan vs. Goldberg   WCW Championship
Hogan had the upper hand on Goldberg in the early going. Goldberg couldn't build any momentum as Hogan kept countering his moves. Goldberg lifted Hogan up and hit the spine buster. Hogan connected with the big boot, but Goldberg kicked out. Hogan went for the leg drop, but Goldberg moved and speared Hogan. He then hit the Jackhammer to win the title.

Recap: O'Neil and Young pulled it off! Goldberg overcame the nWo and won the world title. Edge came up short due to outside interference. Barrett is ready to break off on his own.

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