October 7, 2014


Match 1. Wyatt Family vs. Sami Zayn and The Brotherhood
Rowan and Bray hit Cody with a double back body drop. Cody went for Cross Rhodes, but Rowan blocked it. Rowan caught Goldust with a chokeslam, but got a two count. Bray landed a gutwrench slam on Zayn. Harper and Bray hit Zayn with a double gut buster and Bray got the pin.

Match 2. American Wolves vs. Motor City Machine Guns
Davey landed some kicks and hit Sabin with the DR Driver. He later hit Shelley with the Shining Wizard. Edwards got a couple of near falls on Sabin. Davey landed a running boot to Shelley in the corner and won.

Match 3. Iron Man - Wade Barrett vs. Randy Savage   WWE Intercontinental Championship
With 7:23 left, Savage locked Barrett in a full nelson hold and made him tap for the first point. Barrett countered a suplex into a neck breaker and got a long two count. Barrett evened the score with an abdominal stretch. Barrett hit a swinging neck breaker, but missed the Bull Hammer. With 20 seconds left, Barrett hit the Bull Hammer, but couldn't get the pin. The match ended in a tie.

Match 4. Extreme Rules - Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle
Angle hit Joe with three German suplexes on the outside. He then hit a suplex. Joe took control and went for a back breaker, but Angle countered it. After a leg drop on the apronl Joe hit a spike DDT. Both men got some near falls before Angle hit the Angle Slam to win.

Match 5. Table - Hulk Hogan vs. Brock Lesnar
Hogan went to hit Lesnar with the table, but Brock took it away. Hogan took him down with a neck breaker and then hit the big boot. He then landed an elbow drop and running leg drop. Lesnar came back and hit his three powerbombs. They went to the outside. Lesnar hit an overhead belly-to-belly. Hogan countered a back breaker into an STO and slammed Lesnar through a table.

Match 6. Evolution vs. Lucha Dragons   WWE Tag Team Championship
Sin Cara tossed Kalisto from the top onto Orton. They later double teamed Batista on the outside. Kalisto then put Batista through the announce table. Orton hit Kalisto with a clothesline and a back breaker. Batista went for a quick pin before hitting the Batista Bomb to retain the titles.

Main Event. I Quit - Triple H vs. Sting   WWE Championship
Sting took Triple H down with a shoulder tackle and worked over the legs. Triple H came back with a face smash. Triple H countered a suplex into a falling neck breaker. Sting had Triple H in the tree of woe and stomped on him. He then hit the Pedigree, but Triple H got up. After a back breaker, Sting connected with the Scorpion Death Drop and won.

Recap: Barrett/Savage will have a rematch on Raw, with no time limit. Sting wins!!! Good first two months so far. This should be good.

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