December 1, 2014

October Week 3, Year 4

Match 1. Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair

Match 2. Wyatt Family vs. American Wolves

Match 3. Stone Cold vs. Dean Ambrose
Austin had Dean in a camel clutch. He then hit the Lou Thesz Press. Austin went for the Stunner, but Dean blocked it. Ambrose went for Dirty Deeds, but Austin countered that and hit the Stunner to win.

Match 4. Kane vs. Curtis Axel

Match 5. Rick Rude vs. Randy Savage

Match 6. Bobby Roode vs. Wade Barrett vs. Ultimate Warrior   #1 Contender's Match
James Storm was sitting at ringside. Warrior suplexed Roode on the outside. He later busted Barrett open with a DDT. Warrior then busted Roode open with multiple punches. Barrett had Roode int he ropes and landed multiple knees to the chest. Barrett hit Warrior with the Bull Hammer. Warrior countered a spine buster and hit Roode with a DDT. Roode planted Warrior with a DDT and won.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase
Triple H attacked Orton from behind and threw him into the steps. Orton recovered and went for the RKO, but DiBiase countered it. After a few minutes of action, Orton hit a belly-to-belly and a vicious RKO to win.

After the match, Triple H walked back out and he and Orton began a verbal war of attrition.

Match 1. Christian vs. The Miz

Match 2. Bad Influence vs. The Vaudevillains
English grabbed Daniels from behind and hit a gutwrench front slam. A little while later, Daniels came back with Last Rites, but got a two count. Gotch held Daniels as English landed some knife-edge chops. After a brawl in the ring, Daniels landed the Alabama Slam and won.

Match 3. Scott Steiner vs. Chris Jericho

Match 4. Matt Morgan vs. Ryback
Morgan landed an overhead belly-to-belly. Ryback hit an elbow drop and the meat hook clothesline. After a big boot, Morgan went for a chokeslam, but Ryback countered it into an STO. Morgan then hit the chokeslam. Ryback got right up and hit Shell Shock to win.

Match 5. Jack Swagger vs. Rob Van Dam

Match 6. Goldberg vs. Mark Henry

Main Event. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns
Rollins hit a splash on Reigns in the corner and then connected with a fury of punches. Reigns came back with a headbutt. Reigns tossed Rollins up and hit a Samoan drop. Rollins hit a heel kick and the buckle bomb to win.

After the match, Reigns went to attack Rollins, but Seth ducked and tossed him out.

Match 1. CM Punk vs. Bo Dallas

Match 2. Prime Time Players vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Petey Williams vs. Kenny King vs. Zack Ryder

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyler Breeze
Ziggler punched Breeze and lifted him up, but Tyler countered into a front slam. He then stole Ziggler's move and hit a jumping DDT. Ziggler locked in a headlock before connecting with the Zig Zag. After a near fall, Ziggler hit a dropkick and the Heart Stopper elbows and won.

Match 5. Antonio Cesaro vs. Bully Ray

Match 6. The Usos vs. Kofi Kingston and Big E
Kofi and Big E hit Jimmy with a double hip toss. Big E locked Jimmy in a torture on the outside. Jey landed a super kick on Kofi. Big E then hit the Big Ending as all four men fought at ringside. Jimmy reversed a double suplex into a double DDT. Jimmy locked Kofi in a full nelson hold and made him tap.

After the match, The Ascension ran down and attacked the Usos.

Main Event. Submission - Tyson Kidd vs. Adrian Neville
Neville ran down and speared Kidd before the bell rang. This. Was. Awesome. Kidd hit a dropkick on the outside. Neville slammed him through the announce table with a flying head scissors. After a springboard frog splash, Neville busted Kidd open with a heel kick. Kidd hit a springboard splash and his suplex/neck breaker combo. Neville landed a sit-out powerbomb and the Red Arrow, but Kidd got up. After a heel kick, Neville locked in a modified chin lock and won.

Recap: There are a lot of heel factions on Raw - The Industry, The Legacy and The Million Dollar Corp. Can anyone take them out? Neville/Kidd was awesome. Is Triple H/Orton coming to a close?

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