May 5, 2014

April Week 4, Year 3

WCW Nitro
Match 1. Kidman vs. Ultimo Dragon
For some reason, Big Show and Warrior interfered. Kidman caught Dragon with a swinging snap neck breaker, but Show broke up the pin. Kidman hit Dragon with the Unprettier, but got a near fall. Kidman landed a sit out face buster and a second Unprettier to win.

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. Psychosis

Match 3. DDP vs. Drew McIntyre

Match 4. Truth and Consequences vs. Prime Time Players
Darren and Titus hit Woods with the Doomsday Device. Much later, Titus caught Truth with a back breaker and a near fall. Truth and Woods landed a double hip toss on Titus. Truth got the hot tag to Woods. Darren knocked him down, allowing Titus to hit the sit-out spine buster to win.

Match 5. Syxx vs. Bret Hart vs. Curt Hennig   #1 Contender's Match
Syxx brought in the steel steps as Bret hit Curt with a piledriver. Hennig DDT'd both Syxx and Bret at the same time, but Syxx got right back up and hit a dropkick. Hennig came back with a headlock takedown and snap mare. Bret hit Hennig with another piledriver. Curt got up and hit the Perfect-plex. Syxx and Curt hit Bret with a double gut buster. Syxx then took out Hennig with a diving elbow to win.

Main Event. Hollywood Hogan vs. The Rock
Is this match actually happening on Nitro? Hogan missed Rock and hit the ref with the big boot. Rock hit Hogan with a Samoan drop. Kevin Nash made his way to the ring and attacked Rock. He hit the Jackknife and Hogan won.

Match 1. Matt Hardy vs. Tommy Dreamer

Match 2. Tajiri vs. Jack Swagger vs. Austin Aries
Swagger hit Tajiri with the gutwrench, but got a near fall. Swagger and Aries hit Tajiri with a double gut buster. They hit a second one minutes later. Tajiri countered Aries' brainbuster into a neck breaker. Tajiri caught Swagger with the buzzsaw kick, but Aries broke it up. Aries took out Tajiri with a top-rope DDT. Swagger then hit Aries with a gutwrench to win.

Match 3. RVD and Mysterio vs. Impact Players
RVD and Rey hit Justin with a springboard dropkick/STO combo. Storm came in and immediately hit Rey with a double underhook powerbomb. Justin hit RVD with a northern lights suplex and almost won. Justin then hit Rey with an Impaler DDT and won.

Match 4. Rhyno vs. Sabu

Match 5. Ric Flair vs. Brodus Clay
Can Brodus knock off the Nature Boy? Flair countered a body slam into a back breaker. He then choked Clay and hit him below the belt. All the tricks in the book couldn't help Flair. After a near fall, Clay connected with a running cross body and won.

After the match, Rey came out and pointed at Clay.

Main Event. Stone Cold vs. Sheamus

TNA Impact
Match 1. Chris Jericho and Samoa Joe vs. Tomko and Cesaro

Match 2. MVP and James Storm vs. Kenny King and Gunner
Gunner had MVP on his shoulders, but Storm knocked him down. On the outside, Storm hit Gunner with a snap suplex. Gunenr and King hit Storm with a Samoan drop/swinging neck breaker combo and got a really long two count. Eddie Edwards ran down and hit Gunner with his finisher. Gunner tagged in King, who hit Storm with The Coronation and won.

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Petey Williams
Zayn landed multiple punches and tried winning with a roll up. After a drop toe hold, Petey blocked a kick and hit the Canadian Destroyer. Zayn kicked out, but Petey was ready with a spinning back suplex. He finished Zayn off with a running knee to a neck breaker.

Match 4. Eric Young vs. Chris Sabin

Match 5. Eddie Guerrero vs. Fandango

Main Event. Bobby Roode vs. Sting
Sting ran down and attacked Roode before the bell rang. Sting got a quick cover and hit a dropkick. Roode got right up and hit the Payoff, but Sting kicked out. Sting blocked a punch and hit the Scorpion Death Drop. Roode went for the spine buster, but Sting reversed it into a DDT. Sting landed a brain buster to win.

WWE SmackDown
Match 1. The Usos vs. The Miz and JBL

Match 2. Jake Roberts vs. Kofi Kingston

Match 3. Tazz vs. Curtis Axel

Match 4. Damien Sandow vs. Big E Langston
Sandow drove his knee into Big E's chest multiple times. Langston grabbed Sandow and landed a huge powerbomb. Sandow hit Terminus, but Langston kicked out. Langston hit a DDT, but Sandow got right up. He took Langston down with a drop toe hold and hit You're Welcome to win.

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Seth Rollins
Kane was shown sitting in the front row. Rollins worked over the head and neck area of Michaels. Rollins DDT'd Michaels on the apron. Michaels came back, but Rollins countered with a back breaker. Michaels landed a couple of chops. He went for a clothesline, but Rollins ducked and rolled him up to win.

Main Event. Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Jeff Hardy   #1 Contender's Match
This is a huge opportunity for Jeff. Lesnar attacked Jeff from behind. Brock and Taker hit Jeff with a double chokeslam. They all went to the outside as Jeff hit Taker with a Twist of Fate. Back in the ring, Lesnar lifted Jeff up and hit three powerbombs. He then hit the F5, but Taker was right there. Lesnar and Taker landed another double chokeslam. Jeff and Taker hit a double back breaker. Taker tossed Jeff out of the ring and pinned Lesnar.

Recap: Is Rey trying to stop Brodus? Jeff was so close to winning. Rollins impressed me without The Shield around. Kenny King and Gunner, how does Tomko feel about this?

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