May 18, 2014


Match 1. Steel Cage - Bret Hart vs. DDP   WCW United States Championship
Page and Bret traded counters early on in the match. Bret landed a float-over DDT and a spike piledriver. He then climbed the cage, but Page pulled him down. Bret continued with his offense as he landed another piledriver. Page went up again, but Bret shoved DDP down to the mat and climbed over the top.

Match 2. American Wolves and Kurt Angle vs. Christian Coalition
Tomko and Gunner worked over Eddie in their corner. Tomko blocked a punch from Angle and hit a two-handed chokeslam. Angle came back and hit three German suplexes on Gunner. He then hit the Angle Slam, but got a near fall. Tomko caught Davey with a huge full nelson slam and won.

Match 3. Iron Man - Kassius Ohno vs. AJ Styles   X-Division Championship
Styles landed a springboard clothesline and a knee drop to the face. Ohno locked in a crossface, but Styles got to the ropes. Ohno wedged a chair in between the ropes and then tossed Styles head first. He then hit a twisting flapjack to score the first pin. He continued with the Death Blow, but AJ kicked out. Ohno grabbed a kendo stick away from AJ and hit a huge Codebreaker. He then went up 2-0 after another Death Blow. Ohno quickly went up 3-0 after a full nelson hold. AJ got on the board after a Styles Clash onto a chair. Ohno took a 4-1 lead with a third Death Blow. His fifth and final point came on a fourth Death Blow. Styles may not compete for another month.

Match 4. Sting vs. Mr. Anderson
Anderson hit a hanging suplex and the Green Bay Plunge. Sting kicked out and stomped on Anderson. He went for a suplex, but Anderson reversed it. Anderson DDT'd Sting on the apron. Sting blocked a punch and hit the Scorpion Death Drop to win.

Match 5. Goldberg vs. Big Show
Show grabbed Goldberg by his head and landed a fall away slam. DDP ran down and attacked Show. Show tossed DDP out of the ring and hit Goldberg with the knockout punch. Goldberg came back with a belly-to-belly side slam. After a choke hold, Show hit the Final Cut and won with another WMD.

Match 6. The Rock vs. Kevin Nash   WCW Championship
Nash tossed Rock onto the apron. He got back in the ring, but received a suplex. Nash landed a back body drop and hit the big boot. Rock came back with a huge spine buster and got a near fall. He had the Rock Bottom countered and Nash hit the Jackknife powerbomb to win the title.

Main Event. I Quit - Bobby Roode vs. Magnus   TNA Championship
Roode missed a dropkick and Magnus picked him up for a sit-out spine buster. He continued with a powerbomb. Magnus connected with punches to the face. Roode came back with a snap spine buster. Roode then DDT'd Magnus on the apron. Magnus hit a belly-to-belly side slam and a pump handle slam to win the title.

Recap: The 6-man tag match was great. Ohno and Styles had match of the night, despite the 5-1 score. How will Hogan react to Nash winning the title? Magnus is back on top.

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