May 25, 2014

June Week 3, Year 3

WCW Nitro
Match 1. Syxx vs. DDP

Match 2. Xavier Woods and Darren Young vs. Ted DiBiase and Wade Barrett
Drew McIntyre ran down and distracted Woods. Barrett and DiBiase took control with a double suplex. They then hit Young with a double gut buster. Darren went for Gut Check on the outside, but Ted broke it up. Barrett connected with the Bull Hammer and won.

Match 3. Drew McIntyre vs. Jinder Mahal
Drew caught Jinder with a belly-to-belly and a snap slam. Regal ran down and hit Jinder with the Power of the Punch. He got a near fall and then hit an STO to win.

Match 4. Ultimo Dragon vs. Psychosis
The match never got underway as former Cruiserweight Champion Syxx interfered. 

Match 5. The Rock vs. Rick Rude
Hogan walked down to ringside. Hogan distracted the ref, which gave Rude the advantage. He put Rock in a torture rack and got a close two count. He then hit the neck breaker and almost won. Rock kicked out and connected with the spine buster. Rock had his finisher countered and Rude hit another neck breaker to win.

Main Event. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall vs. Curt Hennig and Scott Hall

Match 1. Spike Dudley vs. Brian Kendrick

Match 2. The Sandman vs. Paul London vs. Luke Harper

Match 3. Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer

Match 4. Stone Cold vs. Brodus Clay
Austin stomped all over Clay. Clay landed a running bulldog and a headbutt. He then landed a running cross body, but got a near fall. He then hit a big splash in the corner. Austin got a near fall. Clay hit another bulldog and headbutt to win.

Match 5. Jack Swagger vs. Tajiri vs. Austin Aries   #1 Contender's Match
Tajiri caught Swagger with a super kick and got a near fall. Swagger then held Tajiri as Aries connected with a heel kick. They then hit a double gut buster. Swagger went for the gut wrench on Tajiri, but he countered it into a DDT. Aries took out Tajiri with a springboard splash and caught Swagger in a roll up pin to win.

Main Event. Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy
Matt took Rey down with a leg sweep. He then connected with a springboard corkscrew splash. After getting a near fall, Matt hit a gut buster and the Side Effect to win.

TNA Impact
Match 1. Eddie Guerrero vs. Kazarian
Kaz attempted a springboard elbow smash, but Eddie rolled out of the way. Kaz then connected with a standing hurricanrana. Eddie landed some kicks to the back and rolled Kaz up, but got a one count. Kaz ducked a kick and hit a backpack neck breaker to win.

Match 2. American Wolves vs. Tomko and Gunner

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Petey Williams

Match 4. Chris Jericho vs. Antonio Cesaro
It didn't take long for the two to leave the ring. Jericho caught Cesaro with two reverse neck breakers. He then connected with a back breaker. Cesaro ducked a clothesline and the two were caught in a pin battle. After that, Cesaro tossed Jericho in the air and hit the European uppercut on the way down to win.

Match 5. Extreme Rules - AJ Styles MVP vs. Ryback
AJ came out holding his arm. MVP came out as his replacement. Ryback immediately slammed MVP through the announce table. He later landed a suplex from the apron onto the mat and got a near fall. MVP DDT'd Ryback onto the apron. Ryback grabbed MVP by the head and tossed him around. MVP came back with the Playmaker and won.

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Kassius Ohno

WWE SmackDown
Match 1. Dean Ambrose vs. Daniel Bryan
Bryan went for a clothesline, but Ambrose blocked it and landed a hanging suplex. Kofi ran down and hit Ambrose with Trouble in Paradise. Bryan then connected with his multiple kicks. Bryan got a near fall after a heel kick. He got a another near fall before winning with more kicks.

Match 2. Tazz vs. Damien Sandow vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Big E Langston

Match 3. Cody Rhodes vs. Kane

Match 4. Jeff Hardy and John Cena vs. Randy Orton and Triple H
Cena cost Orton his match last week. Jeff tossed Triple H against the ropes and hit a hip toss. The Game came back with a knee smash. Jeff connected with a springboard elbow smash. Cena hit Orton with the AA and got a near fall. Cody ran down (for some reason). He hit Triple H with Cross Rhodes on the outside. Orton picked Cena up, but he took Orton down with a school boy to win.

Match 5. Edge vs. Shawn Michaels
Edge caught Michaels multiple times with a flapjack. Edge countered a slam into a back breaker. Michaels connected with an atomic drop and the Sweet Chin Music. Edge kicked out and took control. He landed a forearm smash and a side face buster. Michaels missed a springboard splash. Edge went for a suplex, but Michaels reversed it into a roll up and won.

Main Event. Batista vs. Undertaker

Recap: Will we see a 6-man tag on SmackDown next week? Is Styles dodging Ryback? Rick Rude got a huge upset victory.

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