May 12, 2014

May Week 2, Year 3

WCW Nitro
Match 1. Alberto Del Rio vs. Ultimate Warrior

Match 2. Ultimo Dragon and Psychosis vs. Ted DiBiase and Jinder Mahal

Match 3. Titus O'Neil vs. Scott Steiner
Darren Young ran down and hit Steiner with Gut Check. After kicking out, Steiner hit Titus with a corner clothesline and a press slam. Titus went for the steel steps, but Steiner stopped him with a clothesline. Darren, still at ringside, hit a second Gut Check. Back in the ring, Titus hit a jumping gut buster and won.

Match 4. Curt Hennig vs. R-Truth

Match 5. Bret Hart vs. Scott Hall
Hall connected with some rights and lefts on Bret. Syxx made his way to the ring. After receiving a clothesline, Bret received a super kick from Syxx. Hall hit a chokeslam and Outsider's Edge, but Bret kicked out. Syxx landed another super kick on the outside. Hall had his feet on the ropes, but Bret still kicked out. Bret won after landing a spike piledriver.

After the match, Hall swatted away a handshake from Bret.

Main Event. Hollywood Hogan vs. Big Show vs. Kevin Nash
This could determine The Rock's next challenger. Show busted Hogan open with the WMD punch. Hogan came back and got a couple of near falls on Show. Hogan pinned Nash, but Show took out the ref. Show and Hogan hit Nash with a double chokeslam. Show then hit Hogan with a second WMD. Nash and Hogan took Show out with a double gut buster and Hogan scored the pinfall. 

Match 1. Paul London vs. Tajiri vs. Stevie Richards

Match 2. Dudley Boyz vs. Impact Players
Justin grabbed D-Von and hit the Impaler DDT. Storm kicked out of a pin from D-Von and then connected with the super kick. Bubba came in and landed a powerbomb on Justin. Storm and Justin hit a double suplex on Bubba. D-Von landed a piledriver on Storm to win.

Match 3. Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer

Match 4. Extreme Rules - Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy
Rey left the ring and stopped Matt on the ramp to begin the match. Rey missed a springboard splash and landed on a ladder. Rey came back with a cross body and flipping sunset powerbomb. Back in the ring, Matt connected with the Side Effect onto the steps and won.

Match 5. Abyss vs. Brodus Clay

Main Event. Extreme Rules - Ric Flair vs. Bray Wyatt Sheamus
Bray lost last week, despite having the Nature Boy in his corner. Bray's music hit, but Sheamus tossed Bray out from the back and walked to the ring. Sheamus quickly hit the Celtic Cross. Sheamus continued with the power moves. Flair countered one into a DDT. After a near fall, Sheamus hit the Irish Curse to win.

TNA Impact
Match 1. AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels
Daniels hit a snap suplex and got a near fall. Styles got up and connected with a super kick. Kaz ran down and helped his partner. Eddie Edwards ran down and attacked Kaz. Daniels countered the Styles Clash into a DDT on a chair. Daniels then hit Angel's Wings, but got a two count. Daniels then hit a huge spine buster and won.

Match 2. Eric Young and Davey Richards vs. Kenny King and Fandango

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Petey Williams

Match 4. Kazarian vs. Samoa Joe

Match 5. Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode
Christian attacked Angle from behind. Roode landed a snap neck breaker. Angle came back and DDT'd Roode onto the apron. Angle countered a hold into an STO and got a near fall. Roode hit a leg sweep and spine buster and got his own near fall. Angle then hit the Angle Slam and won.

Main Event. Sting vs. Ryback
Ryback took down Sting with a drop toe hold and then grabbed him by the head and tossed him over his head. Sting landed a delayed suplex and got a near fall. Sting then landed a DDT onto the apron. Ryback reversed a suplex. Sting landed another delayed suplex and won.

After the match, Roode ran down and hit Sting with a lead pipe.

WWE SmackDown
Match 1. Kofi Kingston vs. Damien Sandow

Match 2The Brotherhood vs. The Shield
Reigns hit Cody with a belly-to-belly slam and a huge Samoan drop. Later, Jey ran down and helped Cody and Goldust. Cody and Jey landed multiple super kicks on Rollins. On the outside, Jey hit Rollins with another super kick. Rollins picked Goldust up and hit the Buckle Bomb and won.

Match 3. Tazz vs. Dolph Ziggler

Match 4. Batista vs. The Undertaker
Batista hit Taker with a back suplex and spine buster. Taker kicked out and hit a chokeslam. Batista was back on offense with a DDT on the apron. Batista reversed the Tombstone into his own piledriver, but got a near fall. Batista then hit the Batista Bomb and won.

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Edge
Edge attacked Michaels from behind. Michaels dropped a couple of elbows, but Edge reversed a suplex. Edge thumbed Michaels in the eye and connected with the spear. Michaels grazed Edge with a springboard crossbody and hit the Sweet Chin Music. Edge hit a DDT and then the Edge-O-Matic to win.

Main Event. Jeff Hardy vs. Brock Lesnar

Recap: Hogan vs. Rock? Yes, please. Jeff picks up another huge win over Lesnar. Is Sheamus' title in jeopardy?

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