May 24, 2014

June Week 2, Year 3

WCW Nitro
Match 1. Billy Kidman vs. Ted DiBiase

Match 2. Xavier Woods vs. Syxx

Match 3. Rick Rude vs. Bret Hart

Match 4. Ultimo Dragon vs. Psychosis
Psychosis took Dragon down with a drop toe hold and then tossed him up in the air to have him slam on the mat. Dragon stomped on Psychosis in the corner. He then landed a kick to the head and a standing moonsault. Psychosis landed a corner dropkick, but got a near fall. He landed another one moments later and won.

Match 5. Extreme Rules - Hollywood Hogan vs. DDP
The two vets battled on the outside, avoiding being put through a table. Hogan powerbombed Page through the announce table. Page hit Hogan with a title belt, but Hogan came back with a suplex onto a ladder. Back in the ring, he hit a leg sweep and the leg drop to win.

After the match, Hogan wanted to hit Page with a chair, but Rock made the save.

Main Event. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall vs. Curt Henning and Scott Steiner
It looks like Henning and Steiner want revenge. Hennig hit Hall with the Perfect-plex. He then busted him open with a DDT. Steiner and Hennig double teamed Nash in the corner. Hall connected with rights and lefts on Hennig and then hit him with a chokeslam. He then landed the Outsider's Edge, but got a near fall. Hennig came back with the Perfect-plex, but Nash broke it up. Hennig hit Nash with a super hip toss and Steiner got the win.

Match 1. The Dudleyz vs. Impact Players

Match 2. Paul London vs. Luke Harper

Match 3. Rob Van Dam vs. Austin Aries
A good matchup between two high fliers. Aries took Van Dam down with a snap mare and then hit two hurricanranas. He continued with a moonsault from the top rope. RVD countered the brain buster into a neck breaker. Aries caught RVD with the brain buster as soon as he got up and won.

Match 4. Rhyno vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Sabu vs. The Sandman
4 ECW originals go at it in an Extreme Rules match. Sandman had Rhyno on his shoulders and spun him around multiple times. Rhyno powerbombed Sandman onto the steel steps. He hit another one minutes later. Dreamer threw Sabu into the corner and hit a clothesline. Sabu hit Sandman with a garbage can as Rhyno piledrove Dreamer onto the steps and won.

Match 5. Ric Flair vs. Mark Henry
Henry caught Flair with a tilt-a-whirl slam right away. Flair came back with arm wrenches and hammerlocks. However, Henry was too strong and hit a belly-to-belly suplex. Flair countered a press slam into a DDT. Henry easily picked Flair up for the World's Strongest Slam and won.

Main Event. Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy

TNA Impact
Match 1. Eric Young vs. Kenny King

Match 2. Booker T vs. Fandango

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Petey Williams
These two are in a best-of-101 series. Zayn connected with a clothesline and running dropkick. He then landed a half nelson suplex. Kenny King ran down and hit Zayn with the Coronation. Zayn came back with a huge brain buster. After back-and-forth near falls, Zayn won after a super German suplex.

Match 4. Chris Jericho vs. Antonio Cesaro
Cesaro landed a suplex and then stomped on Jericho's midsection. He then landed a modified Angle Slam. Jericho hit a knee smash and a powerbomb with a bridge, but got a near fall. He hit a flying forearm smash and the Codebreaker to win.

Match 5. AJ Styles vs. Ryback

Main Event. Submission - Kassius Ohno vs. Samoa Joe
Ohno missed a diving clothesline. Joe then tossed Ohno over his head. Ohno took Joe down with a dragon screw and hit a running elbow to the chest. Joe took Ohno down and locked in an ankle lock, but Ohno grabbed the ropes. Ohno connected with a spinning back breaker and made Joe tap from a camel clutch.

WWE SmackDown
Match 1. Seth Rollins vs. John Cena
Cena landed a Lou Thesz Press. He went for, what looked like, a hurricanrana, but Rollins caught him with a powerbomb. Rollins then hit the Buckle Bomb and Sky Walker, but Cena kicked out. After a leg lock, Cena then hit Rollins with his own finisher. He got a near fall, but then rolled Rollins up to win.

Match 2. Goldust vs. Tazz

Match 3. Big E Langston vs. Dean Ambrose
Ambrose caught Big E with a spinning side slam. He later hit a double underhook face buster. Langston caught Ambrose with an STO takedown and got a near fall. He then won with the Big Ending.

Match 4. Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton
Jeff took out Lesnar multiple times. If he beats Orton, then he deserves a championship match. Orton hit Jeff with the second-rope DDT and the RKO. Cena ran down and attacked Orton. Cena landed the AA and Jeff got a near fall. Jeff then hit the Twist of Fate and won.

Match 5. Edge vs. Shawn Michaels

Main Event. Batista vs. Undertaker

Recap: Flair may need to embrace the hardcore lifestyle. His traditional style isn't cutting it anymore. Jeff can thank Cena for his victory. King almost cost Zayn the match. 

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