May 21, 2014

May Week 4, Year 3

WCW Nitro
Match 1. Psychosis vs. Ultimo Dragon

Match 2. Wade Barrett vs. DDP vs. Syxx   #1 Contender's Match
Barrett took Syxx down with a snap mare and then hit the Winds of Change. Syxx came back and landed the X-Factor. DDP and Syxx teamed up to wear down Barrett. Page hit Barrett with a sit-out powerbomb. Barrett and Syxx landed a double gut buster. He then tossed Syxx out of the ring and won.

Match 3. Randy Savage and The Rock vs. Alberto Del Rio and Big Show
Rock hit Big Show with the spine buster and Rock Bottom. Show held Savage as Del Rio connected with some punches. Rock and Randy hit Del Rio with a double DDT. Savage then connected with the diving elbow drop on Show. Show kicked Savage below the belt and hit the Final Cut to win.

Match 4. Curt Hennig vs. R-Truth

Match 5. Titus O'Neil vs. Scott Steiner

Main Event. Table - Kevin Nash vs. Bret Hart
After a shot with the table, Bret hit Nash with a piledriver. Later, Bret hit another piledriver. Nash came back and went for the powerbomb, but Bret countered it into a DDT. After a third piledriver, Bret tossed Nash into the corner against a table and speared him through it.

Match 1. Extreme Rules - Rob Van Dam vs. Austin Aries
Aries went for a chair, but RVD stopped him and hit a powerbomb. He then landed a hurricanrana. Aries had a table and Van Dam had a kendo stick. RVD busted Aries open with the kendo stick. Aries caught RVD on the top and landed a huge DDT. He then hit the brain buster and won.

Match 2. Paul London vs. Stevie Richards

Match 3. Rhyno vs. Tommy Dreamer

Match 4. Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy vs. Impact Players
Rey walked out alone. Matt was nowhere to be seen. Storm landed a double underhook powerbomb. Rey came back with a super hurricanrana. Storm and Justin double teamed Rey in the corner before Justin hit the Impaler to win.

After the match, Matt Hardy appeared at the top of the ramp.

Match 5. Extreme Rules - Abyss vs. Sabu

Main Event. Submission - Ric Flair vs. Sheamus
Sheamus attacked Flair from behind. Sheamus landed a belly-to-belly side slam and powerslam. Flair countered a hold into a leg sweep and then locked in an abdominal stretch, but Sheamus broke free. Sheamus hit White Noise, but Flair came back with a knee smash. Flair locked in the Figure Four. Sheamus broke free and won with a bear hug.

TNA Impact
Match 1. Fandango vs. Eric Young vs. Kenny King

Match 2. Kassius Ohno vs. Eddie Guerrero
Ohno landed multiple elbow drops before hitting a gut buster. Eddie came back with a shot with the table and the Gory Bomb. Eddie missed Ohno and crashed through the table. Ohno then landed two clotheslines and a dropkick to win.

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Petey Williams

Match 4. Samoa Joe vs. Kazarian

Match 5. Ryback vs. Booker T vs. Mr. Anderson
Ryback tossed Booker into the corner and then lifted him up for a military press slam. Anderson hit Ryback with the Mic Check into the corner. Anderson countered a double suplex into a double DDT. Ryback hit Anderson with Shell Shock. Booker tossed Ryback out and then hit Anderson with the Book End. Anderson hit Booker with the Mic Check into the turnbuckle and won.

Main Event. Sting vs. Christian vs. CM Punk   #1 Contender's Match
Sting hit Punk and Christian with a double DDT. He then lifted Christian up for a hanging suplex. Christian came back with a Killswitch on Sting, but Punk broke up the pin. Sting and Punk worked over Christian. Punk then busted Sting open with a float-over DDT. Punk hit Sting with the GTS. Christian landed the Killswitch on Punk. Sting hit Christian with the Scorpion Death Drop. Punk and Christian took out Sting. Christian then DDT'd Punk on the apron and won.

WWE SmackDown
Match 1. Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose

Match 2. Jake Roberts vs. Tazz

Match 3. Big E Langston vs. Bobby Lashley

Match 4. Undertaker vs. Batista
Taker caught Batista with a flying lariat and a chokeslam. Batista kicked out and attempted the Batista Bomb, but Taker countered it into a DDT. After getting a near fall, Taker connected with the Tombstone and won.

Match 5. Edge vs. Cody Rhodes
Shawn Michaels walked down to keep a close eye on Edge. Michaels got involved in the match and held Edge as Cody landed some strikes. Cody DDT'd Edge on the apron and then hit a corkscrew neck breaker. Back in the ring, Cody landed the Alabama Slam and won.

Main Event. Submission - Jeff Hardy vs. Brock Lesnar
Lesnar easily picked up Jeff and hit the triple powerbombs. Jeff came back with a running neck breaker and side slam. Lesnar hit another three powerbombs. Jeff ducked a clothesline and landed the Twist of Fate. Lesnar had the F5 countered into a reverse neck breaker. Jeff won with a camel clutch.

Recap: Hart slammed the champ through a table. Is he next? Jeff deserves a WWE title shot. 

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