May 18, 2014

May Week 3, Year 3

WCW Nitro
Match 1. Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Savage
Del Rio hit Savage with a spike piledriver and got a close three count. Savage came back with rights and lefts, but missed a diving ax handle smash. Goldberg ran down and hit Del Rio with the Jackhammer and gave Savage the win.

Match 2. Ultimo Dragon and Psychosis vs. Scott Steiner and Ted DiBiase

Match 3. Rick Rude vs. Jinder Mahal

Match 4. Curt Hennig vs. DDP

Match 5. The United Kingdom vs. Truth and Consequences
After smashing Truth's head against the mat, Drew landed a huge power slam. Drew then hit Woods with an STO and the Future Shock. Truth and Woods hit Drew with a double suplex. Truth connected with the Lie Detector, but got a near fall. Truth broke out of the Tree of Woe and hit Barrett with a powerslam. After a near fall, Barrett came back with the Winds of Change and won.

Main Event. The Rock vs. Hollywood Hogan
Rock was walking down as Hall attacked him from behind. Hogan hit a back suplex and the leg drop, but Rock kicked out. Curt Hennig ran down and attacked Rock. Rock came back with a Rock Bottom to Hogan. Hennig caught Rock with the Perfect-plex. Hogan then rolled over and got the win.

After the match, Hogan turned around and continued stomping on Rock.

Match 1. Austin Aries vs. Rhyno

Match 2. Paul London vs. Stevie Richards

Match 3. Rob Van Dam vs. Tommy Dreamer

Match 4. Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy vs. Impact Players
How long can Rey and Matt coexist? Storm and Justin kept the smaller Mysterio in their corner. Storm threw him into his corner and then Justin landed a snapmare. They later hit Matt with a double hip toss. Rey broke up a Storm pin before Lance connected with the super kick to win.

Match 5. Extreme Rules - Sabu vs. Abyss
Abyss ran down and took down Sabu before the bell rang. Abyss then picked Sabu up and hit Shock Treatment. Sabu caught Abyss on the outside and powerslammed him through the announce table. Sabu countered a chokeslam into an STO. He then hit the Arabian Face Buster to win.

Main Event. Sheamus vs. Ric Flair
Sheamus feigned a handshake and took down Flair before the bell rang. Sheamus had Flair on the apron and connected with the Beats of the Bodhran. Sheamus tossed Flair around like a rag doll. He dropped multiple elbows to his back and hit the Irish Curse back breaker before picking up the win.

TNA Impact
Match 1. MVP vs. Kenny King
MVP tossed King out of the ring and placed him on the announce table. MVP climbed the ropes and elbow dropped King through the table. He then caught King with the Play Maker. After a German suplex, MVP countered a roll up into a sunset flip to win.

Match 2. Eric Young vs. Fandango

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Petey Williams

Match 4. Kazarian vs. Samoa Joe

Match 5. Steel Cage - Kassius Ohno vs. AJ Styles   #1 Contender's Match
Ohno pulled Styles down from the cage and busted him open with a DDT. He then hit a twisting flapjack and began climbing. Ohno pulled AJ down again and connected with the Death Blow. He hit it again minutes later and escaped.

After the match, Samoa Joe's music hit. Ohno was waiting, but Joe came from under the ring.

Main Event. Hell in a Cell - Bobby Roode vs. Kurt Angle
Roode broke free of a waist lock and hit the spine buster. Angle reversed the Pay Off into a neck breaker. He then hit the Angle Slam. The two then exchanged near falls. Roode landed a super arm drag and another spine buster to win.

WWE SmackDown
Match 1. Damien Sandow vs. Big E Langston

Match 2. Goldust vs. The Miz

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tazz

Match 4. 1-on-3 - Undertaker vs. Evolution
Can The Deadman take on all three members? Taker quickly hit Orton with a fall away slam. Triple H then came in and Taker took care of him too. He hit a running DDT and a chokeslam. Triple H got away and tagged in The Animal. Taker went for a Tombstone, but Batista reversed it and got a near fall. Batista then hit the Batista Bomb and won.

Match 5. Extreme Rules - Shawn Michaels vs. Edge
Edge grabbed a chair and brought it in the ring. Michaels took it away, but Edge hit the Edge-O-Matic. Edge suplexed Michaels through the announce table. HBK came back with a snap mare and a DDT on the outside. Edge connected with the Impaler DDT. Back in the ring, he landed a flapjack, but got a two count. Michaels missed a springboard splash and Edge hit the spear to win.

Main Event. Jeff Hardy vs. Brock Lesnar
Lesnar pulled out a kendo stick and cracked it over Jeff's head multiple times. Jeff picked up the steel steps and hit Lesnar in the face. He then hit the Twist of Fate. Lesnar kicked out and landed the triple powerbombs. He hit the F5, but Jeff still kicked out. Jeff landed a back suplex and got a near fall before hitting the flipping face buster onto the steps to win.

Recap: Can Rock overcome the numbers of the nWo? Jeff has Lesnar's number. Is a title shot in his future? TNA went a little extreme this week.

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