May 8, 2014


Match 1. Kassius Ohno vs. AJ Styles   X-Division Championship
Styles bounced off the ropes and hit a clothesline and dropkick. He then hit the Pele kick and got a near fall. He went for the Styles Clash, but Ohno countered it into a face buster. Styles went for a springboard elbow, but Ohno got up and caught him with the Death Blow in mid-air. Styles connected with a super kick and got another two count. Ohno landed another finisher to retain.

Match 2. American Wolves vs. Bad Influence
Edwards and Richards hit Kaz with a double gut buster on the outside. Back in the ring, Daniels hit Edwards with Angel's Wings. Richards came in and landed a huge powerbomb. Kaz and Daniels hit Edwards with a gut buster of their own. Daniels connected with a huge spine buster and won.

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Bret Hart   WCW United States Championship
Bret placed Barrett on the announce table and went to put him through with a diving elbow drop, but Wade moved out of the way. Bret came back with a spike piledriver. In the ring, Barrett hit the Winds of Change and Wasteland, but Bret kicked out. Bret landed a DDT and back breaker and got two near falls. Bret landed another piledriver and won the title.

Match 4. Sting vs. Mr. Anderson
Anderson tossed Sting into the corner and then hit the Mic Check into the turnbuckle. Sting came back with a hanging suplex and a near fall. Anderson caught Sting with a second Mic Check, but got another near fall. Sting blocked a punch and hit the Scorpion Death Drop to win.

Match 5. DDP vs. Hollywood Hogan
Page landed multiple punches. He went after Hogan, but he countered it into a hip toss. DDP blocked a punch and landed a huge spine buster. DDP rolled Hogan up and got a two count. He then busted Hogan open with the Diamond Cutter. Hogan planted Page with a DDT and hit the leg drop to win.

Match 6. Extreme Rules - Goldberg vs. The Rock   WCW Championship
A dream match taking place right here. Rock hit Goldberg in the back with a baseball bast multiple times. He then connected with a spine buster. Goldberg recovered and landed the Jackhammer in front of the announcers. Back in the ring, Rock hit the Rock Bottom, but got a near fall. Goldberg got a two count after a military press slam. Rock hit a second Rock Bottom to win the title.

Main Event. Extreme Rules - Bobby Roode vs. Ryback   TNA Championship
Roode clotheslined Ryback over the rope. He landed a cross neck breaker and a spine buster. Ryback came back with a garbage can and hit Roode with it multiple times. He then lifted Roode up and landed Shell Shock. Roode kicked out and made his comeback after a snap neck breaker, he hit the Pay Off and won.

Recap: Bret Hart is the new US champion! Rock wins the WCW Championship. It pays to be Roode.

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